
Non Uk people's view of the British culture.

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A spanish friend was saying that Englih people are generally known for getting drunk abroad, and that they drink for this purpose only.

Bit of a sweeping generalisation, but to a certain extent true among certain British drinkers.

Is that fair, what do others think of what the British culture, whether it is to do with drink or not? Is that an innacurate stereotype?


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It is not too much of an inacurate stereotype, considering that it is a broad generalization.
Here in spain when we see British men (or German for that matter) it is because they are on holiday, and it is true that many spend most of the time partying and drinking. What the heck i spend most of the time during holidays partying and drinking too.
Probably the stereotype comes because spain is a very popular place to spend holidays and therefore it is full of british and germans having a good time.

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About a year ago i took a trip to london and surronding areas.
Before i went i had this picture in my head of a very classy, cultured and proper people...... Well that pretty much went away on the first day i was there when i saw a large group of guys going from pub to pub with one of their friends wearing nothing but a jock strap and a dog collar.
At the time i thought i was a big drinker but after a few days i realized i was very much a rookie.
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I just came from there. I was told the same thing by English people. I saw the same thing from English people.

Stereotype, yes.

True, yes.

Main reason is, because of the retarded laws about bars having to close at 11, they're used to drinking as fast as possible.
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Like what unformed said, I think some of it has to do with getting as much booze down you as possible before the pub closes.

Most spanish people probably form their opinion of the english based on the people they see going on package holidays to their country. In spain you can stay out all night and drink for a fraction of the cost that you can here in england. So if you take someone who drinks a lot in a short time, give them a whole night and cheap drink what do you get?? The stereotypical englishman!!

But I'm Irish and we're much more refined!!:P;)

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Yeah, I thought I could hold my beer, and then I spent 6 weeks in London.

Holy crap.

After arriving at whatever pub for the evening, one of the newcomers says, "Who needs a pint? OK, one, two, four... I'll be back..." <2 minutes pass> "OK, here you go. Cheers!"

This cycle repeated every time someone showed up or stood up to get a beer. I had a refilling pint glass.

Oh the joy. Oh the pain.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I have participated in more than one pub crawl during my 2 year stay in Britain (mainly in Edinburgh). My god, can the Scots drink. They drink a pint, piss a pint. That's how they put you under the table. While Guiness _is_ good for you, it's a whole new world after 18 pints of the stuff in 3 hours. I'm just not that good, and never really was.
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The Definitive Guide.

I realized that most of pub culture is misunderstood by those who didnt grow up with it. As an ex-pat I realized that I miss that aspect of things.

I dont miss my internal organs waking me early mornings with the newspaper, a cup of coffee and a somewhat disapproving look on their faces.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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The Definitive Guide.

I realized that most of pub culture is misunderstood by those who didnt grow up with it. As an ex-pat I realized that I miss that aspect of things.

I dont miss my internal organs waking me early mornings with the newspaper, a cup of coffee and a somewhat disapproving look on their faces.

Great page! I was supprised at how many things I unconsciously did right while I was living there (3 years). It helps that my local was 50 feet from my house. :S:)


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I was in Redhill when I was invited to drink Guinness for the first time. Unlike tequila, I was able to make it to a very tall toilet the next morning. The Brits don't mess around when it comes to drinking. ;)
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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