
The Wrong Military

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America's military can win wars. We've done it in the
past, and I have
absolute confidence that we'll continue to do it in
the future. We've
won fights in which we possessed overwhelming
technological superiority
(Desert Storm), as well as conflicts in which we were
the technical
underdogs (the American Revolution). We've crossed
swords with
numerically superior foes, and with militaries a
fraction of the size of
our own. We've battled on our own soil, and on the
soil of foreign
lands -- on the sea, under the sea, and in the skies.
We've even
engaged in a bit of cyber-combat, way out there on the
frontier. At one time or another, we've done battle
under just about
every circumstance imaginable, armed with everything
from muskets to
cruise missiles. And, somehow, we've managed to do it
all with the
wrong Army.

That's right, America has the wrong Army. I don't
know how it
happened, but it did. We have the wrong Army. It's
too small; it's not
deployed properly; it's inadequately trained, and it
doesn't have the
right sort of logistical support. It's a shambles. I
have no idea how
those guys even manage to fight.

Now, before my brothers and sisters of the OD green
persuasion get
their fur up, I have another revelation for you. We
also have the wrong
Navy. And if you want to get down to brass tacks,
we've got the wrong
Air Force, the wrong Marine Corps, and the wrong Coast

Don't believe me? Pick up a newspaper or turn on your
television. In
the past week, I've watched or read at least a dozen
commentaries on the
strength, size, and deployment of our military forces.
All of our
uniform services get called on the carpet for
different reasons, but our
critics unanimously agree that we're doing pretty much

I think it's sort of a game. The critics won't tell
you what the game
is called, so I've taken the liberty of naming it
myself. I call it the
'No Right Answer' game. It's easy to play, and it
must be a lot of fun
because politicos and journalists can't stop playing

I'll teach you the rules. Here's Rule #1: No matter
how the U.S.
military is organized, it's the wrong force.
Actually, that's the only
rule in this game. We don't really need any other
rules, because that
one applies in all possible situations. Allow me to

If the Air Force's fighter jets are showing their age,
critics will
tell us that Air Force leaders are mismanaging their
assets, and
endangering the safety of their personnel. If the Air
Force attempts to
procure new fighter jets, they are shopping for toys
and that money
could be spent better elsewhere. Are you getting the
hang of the game
yet? It's easy; keeping old planes is the wrong
answer, but getting new
planes is also the wrong answer. There is no right
answer, not ever.
Isn't that fun?

It works everywhere. When the Army is small, it's TOO
small. Then we
start to hear phrases like 'over-extended' or 'spread
too thin,' and the
integrity of our national defense is called into
question. When the
Army is large, it's TOO large, and it's an unnecessary
drain on our
economy. Terms like 'dead weight,' and 'dead wood'
get thrown around.

I know what you're thinking. We could build a
medium-sized Army, and
everyone would be happy. Think again. A medium-sized
Army is too small
to deal with large scale conflicts, and too large to
keep military
spending properly muzzled. The naysayers will attack
any middle of the
road solution anyway, on the grounds that it lacks a
coherent strategy.
So small is wrong, large is wrong, and medium-sized is
also wrong. Now
you're starting to understand the game. Is this fun,
or what?

No branch of the military is exempt. When the Navy
builds aircraft
carriers, we are told that we really need small, fast
ships. When the Navy builds small, fast multi-mission
ships (aka the
Arleigh Burke class), we're told that blue water ships
are poorly suited
for littoral combat, and we really need brown water
combat ships. The
Navy's answer, the Littoral Combat, isn't even off the
drawing boards
yet, and the critics are already calling it pork
barrel politics and
questioning the need for such technology. Now I've
gone nose-to-nose
with hostiles in the littoral waters of the Persian
Gulf, and I can't
recall that pork or politics ever entered into the
conversation. In
fact, I'd have to say that the people trying to kill
me and my shipmates
were positively disinterested in the internal
wranglings of our military
procurement process. But, had they been aware of our
folly, they could have hurled a few well-timed
criticisms our way, to go
along with the mines we were trying to dodge.

The fun never stops when we play the 'No Right Answer'
game. If we
centralize our military infrastructure, the experts
tell us that we are
vulnerable to attack. We're inviting another Pearl
Harbor. If we
decentralize our infrastructure, we're sloppy and
overbuilt, and the
BRAC experts break out the calculators and start
dismantling what they
call our 'excess physical capacity.' If we leave our
unchanged, we are accused of becoming stagnant in a
dynamic world

Even the lessons of history are not sacrosanct. When
we learn from the
mistakes we made in past wars, we are accused of
failing to adapt to
emerging realities. When we shift our eyes toward the
future, the
critics quickly tell us that we've forgotten our
history and we are
therefore doomed to repeat it. If we somehow manage
to assimilate both
past lessons and emerging threats, we're informed that
we lack focus.

Where does it come from: This default assumption that
we are doing the
wrong thing, no matter what we happen to be doing?
How did our military
wind up in a zero-sum game? We can prevail on the
field of battle, but
we can't win a war of words where the overriding
assumption is that we
are always in the wrong.

I can't think of a single point in history where our
forces were of the
correct size, the correct composition, correctly
deployed, and
appropriately trained all at the same time. Pick a
war, any war. (For
that matter, pick any period of peace.) Then dig up as
many official and
unofficial historical documents, reports,
reconstructions, and
commentaries as you can. For every unbiased account
you uncover, you'll
find three commentaries by revisionist historians who
cannot wait to
tell you how badly the U.S. military bungled things.
To hear the
naysayers tell it, we could take lessons in
organization and leadership
from the Keystone Cops.

We really only have one defense against this sort of
Success. When we fight, we win, and that's got to
count for something.
When asked to comment on Operation Desert Storm, the
U.S. Army's
Lieutenant General Tom Kelly reportedly said, "Iraq
went from the
fourth-largest army in the world, to the
second-largest army in Iraq in
100 hours." In my opinion, it's hard to argue with
that kind of success,
but critics weren't phased by it. Because no matter
how well we fought,
we did it with the wrong Army.

I'd like to close with an invitation to those
journalists, analysts,
experts, and politicians who sit up at night dreaming
up new ways to
criticize our armed forces. The next time you see a
man or woman in
uniform, stop for ten seconds and reflect upon how
much you owe that
person, and his or her fellow Sailors, Marines,
Soldiers, and Airmen.

Then say, "Thank you." I'm betting you won't even have
to explain the
reason. Our Service members are not blind or stupid.
They know what
they're risking. They know what they're sacrificing.
They've weighed
their wants, their needs, and their personal safety
against the needs of
their nation, and made the decision to serve. They
know that they
deserve our gratitude, even if they rarely receive it.

Two words -- that's all I ask. "Thank you." If that's
too hard, if you
can't bring yourself to acknowledge the dedication,
sincerity and
sacrifice of your defenders, then I have a backup plan
for you. Put on
a uniform and show us how to do it right.


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Yeah, it's all scrambled eggs here in the Army. Yet, somehow things do come together when they need to. Go figure. Seriously, there are issues, but I can't see any at my level that are not in the works to be fixed. I can't see how they'll do it, and I won't be able to explain it either, but it will happen and it will come together. :)B|

C Co/1-506/101 ABN
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I was in B/1-501st a long time ago, and part of me is with you guys. Kick ass and come home safe.

No, I was thanking the guys in the military now. I got out of the Army in Nov 2000. I appreciate it though. Sorry for being too vague in my post. I was posting after a late night farewelling a co-worker.;)

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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Maybe I've been reading the wrong liberal press but the only criticism I've ever seen regarding the current conflict has been aimed squarely at the current administration and has been decidedly PRO-military in every discussion regarding underfunding or mismanagement.

Examples would be regarding the number of troops on the ground - Rumsfeld took heat on that one, current and retired Generals were quoted as being upset about it. Lack of proper equipment - again, that would be Rumsfeld that took public heat on that one, especially when it came to the Question time he did in front of the troops. Or the fact that this administration cut veteran benefits and funding while creating a public spectacle over an alternative war funding bill, another big story in the "liberal" press that seems pretty damn PRO-military.

So while I understand where you're coming from and I dont feel the need to defend the press or media I do feel that what you've written here is inaccurate in it's attempt to smear various parties who, from my point of view, have been solidly pro-military and anti-government beurocratic BS.

But again, maybe I'm reading the wrong press, although I probably read more liberal papers than you.

Could it simply be that it's easier to focus on the negative stories rather than the ones that you read, nod with quiet approval and then move on to the next one?

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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Maybe I've been reading the wrong liberal press but the only criticism I've ever seen regarding the current conflict has been aimed squarely at the current administration and has been decidedly PRO-military in every discussion regarding underfunding or mismanagement.

Examples would be regarding the number of troops on the ground - Rumsfeld took heat on that one, current and retired Generals were quoted as being upset about it. Lack of proper equipment - again, that would be Rumsfeld that took public heat on that one, especially when it came to the Question time he did in front of the troops. Or the fact that this administration cut veteran benefits and funding while creating a public spectacle over an alternative war funding bill, another big story in the "liberal" press that seems pretty damn PRO-military.

So while I understand where you're coming from and I dont feel the need to defend the press or media I do feel that what you've written here is inaccurate in it's attempt to smear various parties who, from my point of view, have been solidly pro-military and anti-government beurocratic BS.

But again, maybe I'm reading the wrong press, although I probably read more liberal papers than you.

Could it simply be that it's easier to focus on the negative stories rather than the ones that you read, nod with quiet approval and then move on to the next one?

As most of what you write, WHAT A CROCK!!!
I guess in the election of 2000 when Al Gore was trying to steal the electio, and all his lawyers did everything they could to disqualify the military ballots. Or I guess all 286 of the Vietnam vets who bonded to together and put their own money to keep disgracing the military by electing that traitor.

I sure you can come back with some irrelevant data or just more total bogus statements but atleast the majority see lefty lies for what they are or atleast in the U.S. they do. In case you missed it, conservatives took over Congress for the fist time in 40 years in 94 and they have been gain more seats ever since. Even in a left state Daschle got his sorry ass tossed out for spewing a lot of the same crap you like to spew. Come to think of it I like having people like yourself talk constant jibberish because obviously the majority of us are not stupid enough to fall for it.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
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Do you have any actual data to refute what he's saying, or would you rather just stick with assertions?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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As most of what you write, WHAT A CROCK!!!
I guess in the election of 2000 when Al Gore was trying to steal the electio, and all his lawyers did everything they could to disqualify the military ballots. Or I guess all 286 of the Vietnam vets who bonded to together and put their own money to keep disgracing the military by electing that traitor.

I sure you can come back with some irrelevant data or just more total bogus statements but atleast the majority see lefty lies for what they are or atleast in the U.S. they do. In case you missed it, conservatives took over Congress for the fist time in 40 years in 94 and they have been gain more seats ever since. Even in a left state Daschle got his sorry ass tossed out for spewing a lot of the same crap you like to spew. Come to think of it I like having people like yourself talk constant jibberish because obviously the majority of us are not stupid enough to fall for it.

Excuse my language, but what the fuck are you talking about? My point wasnt that this administration is evil or that Clinton's was good (in fact it was fucking horrible for totally different reasons).

My point was that the press that I have read has been almost totally PRO military.

I dont care about the politicians on the subject or Id write a diatribe on that.

I find your constant attacks and completely alien viewpoint, and the manner with which you present your ideas to be quite grating and adhering to the rules of the forum often means that expressing myself fully is quite difficult.

Lets do the mature thing and just ignore each other and let things remain civil.

Please note, the total lack of sarcasm, barbs or veiled insults. We've already discovered that you and I are unable to interact civilly or intelligently, so lets not push things to their inevitable conclusion.

plus GMs dick is still bigger than everyone elses ;)

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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Do you have any actual data to refute what he's saying, or would you rather just stick with assertions?

Wendy W.

yes he said the the lefty press was for the military but against the Administration. The evidence iis in the occurence of the 2000 election. There we saw what the left press and lefty politicians felt about the military. But that is only one event and actually there are countless events. This is why 80% of the U.S. military votes Republican.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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As most of what you write, WHAT A CROCK!!!
I guess in the election of 2000 when Al Gore was trying to steal the electio, and all his lawyers did everything they could to disqualify the military ballots. Or I guess all 286 of the Vietnam vets who bonded to together and put their own money to keep disgracing the military by electing that traitor.

I sure you can come back with some irrelevant data or just more total bogus statements but atleast the majority see lefty lies for what they are or atleast in the U.S. they do. In case you missed it, conservatives took over Congress for the fist time in 40 years in 94 and they have been gain more seats ever since. Even in a left state Daschle got his sorry ass tossed out for spewing a lot of the same crap you like to spew. Come to think of it I like having people like yourself talk constant jibberish because obviously the majority of us are not stupid enough to fall for it.

Excuse my language, but what the fuck are you talking about? My point wasnt that this administration is evil or that Clinton's was good (in fact it was fucking horrible for totally different reasons).

My point was that the press that I have read has been almost totally PRO military.

I dont care about the politicians on the subject or Id write a diatribe on that.

I find your constant attacks and completely alien viewpoint, and the manner with which you present your ideas to be quite grating and adhering to the rules of the forum often means that expressing myself fully is quite difficult.

Lets do the mature thing and just ignore each other and let things remain civil.

Please note, the total lack of sarcasm, barbs or veiled insults. We've already discovered that you and I are unable to interact civilly or intelligently, so lets not push things to their inevitable conclusion.

plus GMs dick is still bigger than everyone elses ;)

I have not launched any attacks against forum ruless. On the contrary you have. I recall being called a racist by you.
If you prefer to ignore each other that will be fine by me but that includes indirect statements as well. To be honest I was looking for an ignore feature the other day to take your posts away from my viewable screen. I guess we can only wait for Sangiro to offer us that option.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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The context he was talking about was the military in Iraq. There hasn't been strong general anti-military sentiment since the 1970's -- even when the movie "Coming Home" came out in 1978 the tide was pretty much turned.

I'm sure you can find examples of people who are anti-military in the press. Please don't assume that everyone who disagrees with you is exactly alike, and don't assume that someone who disagrees with a part of military administration is against the military.

80% of the military voting for Republicans doesn't make either of them more correct. It just means they agree.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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The context he was talking about was the military in Iraq. There hasn't been strong general anti-military sentiment since the 1970's -- even when the movie "Coming Home" came out in 1978 the tide was pretty much turned.

I'm sure you can find examples of people who are anti-military in the press. Please don't assume that everyone who disagrees with you is exactly alike, and don't assume that someone who disagrees with a part of military administration is against the military.

80% of the military voting for Republicans doesn't make either of them more correct. It just means they agree.

Wendy W.

With all do respect Wendy, like in many other issues we dissagree. I appologize if my loss of patience for that character's offensive posts made it seem as if I was directing that post at all lefty's. Don't misunderstand that either. I do believe that most lefties are anti-military. I see that over and over again. Hell we even see it here. Somebody non-American posts something comparing our military to the terrorist their fighting, putting them both at the same level and who defends that, not the Rightys, I think you know that.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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in reply to "You'll die as you live in the flash of the blade,
In a corner forgot by no one,
You lived for the touch for the feel of the steel, One man and his honor. "

.... broken glass works better....ask the Incans

'as ye sow
so shall ye reap'

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I look at it this way---

The American People vote for their government, that government dictates how the military is structured, trained, ect. ect....

If you don't like the way things are, do some homework before you punch your next ballot.

I have 9 years in the Army - and I have been given my fair share of dumb orders, and seen some real stupid stuff. Overall, there are those of us who keep it together and get the right things going in the right direction.
Twin Otter N203-Echo,29 July 2006
Cessna P206 N2537X, 19 April 2008
Blue Skies Forever

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