
Smoke Free Cars?

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The New Jersey legislator is debating a bill that would make it illegal for automobile drivers to smoke. The CRIME would be punishable by a $250 fine. I'm an non-smoker but floored none the less. What do you think? Why does our government continue to criminalize our daily activates?

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Uh-oh . . . this has been discussed in SC before. I was shocked at the number of people that think this is a good idea, though.

One person even went as far to say that radios, eating, drinking (non-alcoholic beverages), etc. should ALL be banned in automobiles. Although (assuming he owns a car), I'm sure he doesn't personally adhere to such principles.

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It's all additional tax revenue wrapped up in the package of public saftey.

In Maryland last month State Troopers were using night vision googles to catch people not wearing their seatbelts. Fortunatly, there was enough of an immediate reaction that the governor immediately suspended the practice.

But once a law is passed it can't just be suspended.

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We do not drive in a vaccuum - we drive fuel-filled multi-ton vehicles upward of 20 mph surrounded by others doing the same every day. We are responsible to one another to follow the rules and pay fucking attention.

When people stop being responsible and only worry about their precious 'right' to smoke in their car because "It's mine and I can smoke and be distracted if I damn well please", they forget that driving is not a right. It's a privilege based on being able to drive safely. When you can no longer do that and smoke at the same time, don't be surprised when this happens.

Same thing goes for everything you do in your car; talking on the phone, jacking off, eating, reading, etc. As soon as you're not paying attention, you're endangering me. Fuck your 'right' to smoke - my right to get home safely trumps that.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Personally it's "smoke away just keep your eyes on the goddamn road even if you have just dropped your fag and set your arse on fire".

If you can't do that then don't smoke while you drive.

If your peers can't do that reliably then don't be surprised if the ball gets confiscated and no one gets to play.

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Personally it's "smoke away just keep your eyes on the goddamn road even if you have just dropped your fag and set your arse on fire".

If you can't do that then don't smoke while you drive.

If your peers can't do that reliably then don't be surprised if the ball gets confiscated and no one gets to play.

that's good too.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I was called to the scene of a car accident last week. This person was in the process of lighting a cigarette and drove the car into a ditch going around 60mph. This person continued into a driveway embankment and did a "Dukes of Hazard" over the top of it. Injuries included a broken back, broken arm and a cut & bruised up eye. He luckily didn't hit anyone else. I don't necessarily see the ban you mentioned as eliminating more personal freedoms. It kind of goes along the same lines as restrictions put on cell phones in the vehicle. There are too many people who can’t pay attention to what they are doing while driving and are a danger to others. Another reason might be to eliminate all the damn cigarette butts on the road. I think it’s ridiculous for someone to think they can just flick their nasty trash out the window…all day long…maybe a couple of packs a day…per smoker.

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"I was called to the scene of a car accident...."

He should be charged with reckless driving and any other charge that fits the circumstances. He should have his liscensed revoked along with any other statatory punishments for his crimes. He should/will also be sued civilly for any damage he caused to other peoples property.

"I think it’s ridiculous for someone to think they can just flick their nasty trash out the window…"

They shouldn't be able to. Every state has laws against littering, many with quite substantial fines. In very arid areas they have escalated fines for throwing out cigarette butts because of the potential for fire hazards.

The point is punish someone for acting in a way that causes a reckless atmospher. Enforce the laws on the books. Don't create new laws under the umbrella of public safty that are nothing more than sources of revenue.

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Well hell, while we are at lets make a few other things illegal.
Injured persons may not travel in automobiles. They could be shifted causing pain which would lead to yelling thus distracting the driver
All stereo systems must be removed.
No on-board computer displays. Looking at an in-dash GPS system causes you to lose your road focus. Very dangerous.
No conversations of any sort are allowed inside a vehicle while it is in operation.
No thinking of non driving related topics while driving. You must be 100% focused.
No drinking coffee for 3 hours before operating a motor vehicle. The twitch effect from coffee can impair judgement.
Windows must always be in the up position and sun roofs closed. Wind passing over the eyes may cause unintentional blinking resulting in dangerous situations.
Physical stress tests will be taken before operation of a motor vehicle. Driving while upset can be dangerous.

Enforcement of these codes while be handled through Audio/Video monitors in the motor vehicle.

Fun little slippery slope isn't it?
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Kierkegaard

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Well hell, while we are at lets make a few other things illegal.
Injured persons may not travel in automobiles. They could be shifted causing pain which would lead to yelling thus distracting the driver
All stereo systems must be removed.
No on-board computer displays. Looking at an in-dash GPS system causes you to lose your road focus. Very dangerous.
No conversations of any sort are allowed inside a vehicle while it is in operation.
No thinking of non driving related topics while driving. You must be 100% focused.
No drinking coffee for 3 hours before operating a motor vehicle. The twitch effect from coffee can impair judgement.
Windows must always be in the up position and sun roofs closed. Wind passing over the eyes may cause unintentional blinking resulting in dangerous situations.
Physical stress tests will be taken before operation of a motor vehicle. Driving while upset can be dangerous.

Enforcement of these codes while be handled through Audio/Video monitors in the motor vehicle.

Fun little slippery slope isn't it?

Don't forget farting. The toxic fumes can cause the eyes to water thurs impairing vision. Not to mention the pounding you take from all the other people in the car.:S

growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.

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Same thing goes for everything you do in your car; talking on the phone, jacking off, eating, reading, etc. As soon as you're not paying attention, you're endangering me. Fuck your 'right' to smoke - my right to get home safely trumps that.

lets not forget fucking with your squalling brat who's safely strapped in the rear child seat screaming like an airraid siren....

nearly got killed by a pre-soccer mom in her mini van who was to busy turned around in the driver seat to pay attention to the double lane change she suddenly made.. >:(

lets BAN children under the age of 12 from all motorized vehicles unless there is another adult to control them.. its obviously to distracting for the driver..:S;)

can you say "slipperly slope"?? :P
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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We do not drive in a vaccuum - we drive fuel-filled multi-ton vehicles upward of 20 mph surrounded by others doing the same every day. We are responsible to one another to follow the rules and pay fucking attention.

When people stop being responsible and only worry about their precious 'right' to smoke in their car because "It's mine and I can smoke and be distracted if I damn well please", they forget that driving is not a right. It's a privilege based on being able to drive safely. When you can no longer do that and smoke at the same time, don't be surprised when this happens.

Same thing goes for everything you do in your car; talking on the phone, jacking off, eating, reading, etc. As soon as you're not paying attention, you're endangering me. Fuck your 'right' to smoke - my right to get home safely trumps that.

With this line of thinking, we should also not think about other things while driving down the road, we should not talk to one another in the car, we should probably not listen to music. These things all distract us. Practically, though, it would be ridiculous to regulate our behaviors in that way. We all weigh the risks we take. As adults, I would hope that we are all aware that when we drive down the highway there's a chance that someone might fall asleep behind the wheel, cross the center line, and hit us head on. We drive anyway....or we find another means of transportation that we feel is safer....or we shut ourselves inside to minimize the risk.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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:D My point there is that the more you can do to minimize distractions, the better. Some things you can't change (your kid screaming in the back), some things you can (cell phone, smoking, your reaction to distractions).

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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The point is punish someone for acting in a way that causes a reckless atmospher. Enforce the laws on the books. Don't create new laws under the umbrella of public safty that are nothing more than sources of revenue.

I'll buy that. I agree. Punish the reckless offense. I don't, however, see what they're proposing as an attempt to further restrict personal freedoms, though. If it affects the safety & welfare of others, then it's not all about one's personal freedom.

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:D Some things you can't change (your kid screaming in the back), .

State issued child gags. If every child has to wear one then no child would develop a complex. Even move, they would prepare the child for an adulthood of sitting ideally by and not speaking up.

But you're right. Some things you can't change: People driving like a$$holes! If I'm an unaware, irresponsible, bad driver I'll find something to be distracted by like bumperstickers or billboards and when I drive recklessly because of such distractions I should be ticketed, fined, have my insurence rates jacked up, or my licsensed suspended.

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