
He needs to be killed very slow

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if only each of his 36000 victims could line up and each make a slice w/ a razor...

Ya, retribution makes the world a better place. [:/]

Some people deserve it for sure, but the after affects of retribution do harm to the adminsiters of said retribution, which is often part of the agenda of the scumbag; who's the fool now?

Ever see the movie, Seven? That was the message; he wanted the cop/husband to kill him for meadis's sake, and to finish the seventh deadly sin: Revenge. Some of these guys, especially the more intelligent ones, have as part of their agenda the desire for the reaction of revenge. This keeps the media show going and angers people so these people can be legends in horrible ways. If this molester was just processed and people didn't think twice about it, he would be dissapointed. We do need to learn from these people tho, but revenge..... nah, just remove them from society by way of a 6x9 and be done with them.

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The news keeps on using that 36,000 figure like it's plausible, but think about it--at 365 days/year that would be once a day for well over 98 years!!!

I'm not saying the guy is not slime--he's got multiple convictions--but 36,000 seems well within the realm of impossible.


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maybe you're right, retribution isn't the answer... but it's damn tempting. but there SHOULD be some restitution along w/ punishment. And what should that be? What is the proper punishment for such a serial offender? He obviously should never see the outside of a prison again. But in my mind there should be more. As for restitution, what should THAT be? Money isn't enough, and he likely doesn't have much anyway...

Sorry, locking him in a 6x9 just isn't enough.

And yes, I've seen Seven. It's one of my favorite flicks.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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Something about this case strikes me as bullshit. I mean, how could one ,or even two, guys get access to that many kids over what would have to be a very long time? Also, with that much abuse going on, how was he able to get by without at least ONE of 36K kids saying something credible to an adult? It strikes me as more likely of a thing that he fabricated the story for his own fantasy. But we'll all have to wait and see how it pans out in court.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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maybe you're right, retribution isn't the answer... but it's damn tempting. but there SHOULD be some restitution along w/ punishment. And what should that be? What is the proper punishment for such a serial offender? He obviously should never see the outside of a prison again. But in my mind there should be more. As for restitution, what should THAT be? Money isn't enough, and he likely doesn't have much anyway...

Sorry, locking him in a 6x9 just isn't enough.

And yes, I've seen Seven. It's one of my favorite flicks.

I agree, he deserves the worst, but then we become as depraved as he - he wins again.

Of course he should and will never see freedom, incapacitated from society for good. Why should there be more - do we get warm/fuzzies when we see scum suffer? Are we different than he?

Ok, so you agree, but then disagree. Is it that you know retribution makes us worse, but you're so compelled to see him and scum like him (allegedly) suffer? Pick a side bro.....

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Something about this case strikes me as bullshit. I mean, how could one ,or even two, guys get access to that many kids over what would have to be a very long time? Also, with that much abuse going on, how was he able to get by without at least ONE of 36K kids saying something credible to an adult? It strikes me as more likely of a thing that he fabricated the story for his own fantasy. But we'll all have to wait and see how it pans out in court.

I kinda thought taht too, so we are all gulty of finding this guy guilty via the media. Wilt Chamerlin said he slept with 20k women, of which all were standing in line to fuck him. I would surmise that these pedophilic acts take much preparation, so how is it possible this guy virtually doubled WC's likely skewed numbers?

There is enough smoke here to there's some fire, so I guess I'm guilty of having him already convicted too....

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He's a monster. He should be dealt with as such.

You mean like the Loch Ness Monster? Take pics and wait for a sighting? Again, if we draw and quarter this guy, the truth is - we drew and quartered him. We can escape our own murder by saying he is a monster and whatever other semantic metaphor we can muster, but at the end of teh day, we brutalized a person. Our kids see that and pass it down, which is why most of the civilized world has done away with that form of punishment.

What if we incapacitate him and learn from him so we can curtail others like him before they abuse? What if we find out that there is documented abuse in his childhood and society failed to protect him? Worst case scenario, what if he was a choirboy in a Catholic church? He goes from victim to perpetrator by following his teachings and societies failures. Then we get a warm one by killing him in some horrific way to absolve us of our failures as a society. WOuld you like some extra whipped cream on top?

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Ok, so you agree, but then disagree. Is it that you know retribution makes us worse, but you're so compelled to see him and scum like him (allegedly) suffer? Pick a side bro.....***

you're reading too much into my post. i'm not compelled to see him suffer. what I was trying (poorly I guess) to differentiate is restitution from retribution. they aren't the same thing.

personally, I think chemical castration should be part of the punishment. some other countries did it before (maybe still do?), by giving the pedophile a chemical much like depo-provera. it totally kills the libido, from what I understand. And, should the pedophile show evidence of rehabilitiation (not likely), it is reversible in most cases I think.

but you know, although I'm generally against the death penalty (in spite of what I've written here earlier), I think there are occasions for it, such as w/ menaces to society like this guy. The justice system failed society by letting this guy go before. He should NEVER be allowed to get out. And, since that realistically may be impossible (people escape, etc.), does the criminal justice system not have a responsibility to protect society from the likes of him?

judy's suggestion certainly had merit... although I'd withold the ky perhaps...

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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Ok, so you agree, but then disagree. Is it that you know retribution makes us worse, but you're so compelled to see him and scum like him (allegedly) suffer? Pick a side bro.....***

you're reading too much into my post. i'm not compelled to see him suffer. what I was trying (poorly I guess) to differentiate is restitution from retribution. they aren't the same thing.

personally, I think chemical castration should be part of the punishment. some other countries did it before (maybe still do?), by giving the pedophile a chemical much like depo-provera. it totally kills the libido, from what I understand. And, should the pedophile show evidence of rehabilitiation (not likely), it is reversible in most cases I think.

but you know, although I'm generally against the death penalty (in spite of what I've written here earlier), I think there are occasions for it, such as w/ menaces to society like this guy. The justice system failed society by letting this guy go before. He should NEVER be allowed to get out. And, since that realistically may be impossible (people escape, etc.), does the criminal justice system not have a responsibility to protect society from the likes of him?

judy's suggestion certainly had merit... although I'd withold the ky perhaps...

what I was trying (poorly I guess) to differentiate is restitution from retribution. they aren't the same thing.

Certainly, but if he's found guilty then restitution has little place here - we just need to incapacitate him by sitting him in a 6x9 box forever. Retribution is the deifference between life w/o the possibility of parole -or- death, harassment, etc..

personally, I think chemical castration should be part of the punishment.

See, this is the retributionist part. OK, so kids hear of this and it's supposed to deter them, and it may scare some, but challenge others. It makes society a worse place when the punishers outdo the criminals. Citizens start to wonder which is worse.

some other countries did it before (maybe still do?), by giving the pedophile a chemical much like depo-provera. it totally kills the libido, from what I understand. And, should the pedophile show evidence of rehabilitiation (not likely), it is reversible in most cases I think.

If he's even convicted on 1% of these cases, he'll have sevral life sentences.

I think there are occasions for it, such as w/ menaces to society like this guy.

It seems like every cases has an exception. Again, if you want to lower yourself and this country to be the scum this guy is, let's torture and murder him. Kinda hard to denounce his actions when we are the same. If he is removed - no more mennace.

And, since that realistically may be impossible (people escape, etc.), does the criminal justice system not have a responsibility to protect society from the likes of him?

Failures in the penal system don't justify random killings. With today's technology I think we can avoid escapes. It comes down to Old Testament Retribution in these cases. I understand you don't want to acknowledge that, but it the truth.

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if he's found guilty then restitution has little place here

how so? he doesn't owe the society (in which he lived and preyed upon innocent kids) anything for the pain and misery he's slefishly caused? how is locking him up restorative?


personally, I think chemical castration should be part of the punishment.

See, this is the retributionist part

no it isn't. it only looks that way to you. And this is related to your point about modern technology being able to secure his life-in-prison sentence. Guilty criminals have been released prematurely. Escapes still happen inspite of today's modern technology. chemical castration, far from being punative, saves kids from being victimized, and saves HIM from his disease. And he should have to PAY for the chemical castration himself! Our tax dollars shouldn't fund it. Chemical castration is a preventive measure, a prophylactic measure, should the current criminal justice system fail him and us YET AGAIN.


Kinda hard to denounce his actions when we are the same

this is just crazy! you seem to view anything OTHER than life in prison as evil, depraved, descending to his level. well, that's just not true. he should NEVER have the chance to breath the air outside a prison again. and since the modern penitentiary (sp?) system cannot guarantee that currently, well, there aren't many other options.


Failures in the penal system don't justify random killings

Killing this man would hardly be random. It would be quite purposeful.


It comes down to Old Testament Retribution in these cases. I understand you don't want to acknowledge that, but it the truth.

Please don't ascribe motivations to me that aren't true. They have no purpose here.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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