
3 Senators and 1 Legislator arrested

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Federal Agents Arrest Four Legislators
Posted: 5/26/2005 9:28:00 AM
Updated: 5/26/2005 9:33:30 AM

Thursday morning, federal officials arrested four Tennessee legislators on Capitol Hill in downtown Nashville.

Agents arrested Sen. Ward Crutchfield, (D) Chattanooga; Sen. John Ford, (D) Memphis; Sen. Kathryn Bowers, (D) Memphis; Rep. Chris Newton, (R) Cleveland.

There will a news conference at the U.S. attorney’s office in Memphis detailing the charges against the legislators at 11 a.m.

NewsChannel 5 will have more on this developing news as it becomes available.

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this guys has used campaign funds to pay for his daughters wedding. he has 2-3 familes. He keeps 2 households (one with his wife and kids and one with his girlfriend and kids) - neither is in his district. He also has another child from another woman. He let all his friends and family use his govt issued fed-ex account number for all the personal shopping needs and said that is just part of the perks of being a senator.

and then there is the Tenncare things and the daycare scams, etct....

UGGG! I get so pissed off thinking about him!!!!

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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The legislators were arrested on sealed indictments handed down by a federal grand jury in Memphis.

Sources said the arrests were based on violations of the Hobbs Act, which is a type of extortion.

Some searches were conducted in the Capitol Building in Nashville.

One legislator, Frank Buck, (D) Dowelltown, said he was surprised to see fellow lawmakers being led out in handcuffs.

There will a news conference at the U.S. attorney’s office in Memphis detailing the charges against the legislators at 11 a.m.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Four Tennessee lawmakers arrested amid Ford investigation
By staff and wire reports
May 26, 2005

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Federal authorities indicted four lawmakers, a former lawmaker, and two others as part of a corruption probe into the business dealings of state Sen. John Ford of Memphis.

Those charged were Ford; state Sen. Kathryn Bowers, D-Memphis; state Rep. Chris Newton, R-Benton; state Sen. Ward Crutchfield, D-Chattanooga; and Roscoe Dixon, a former state senator who is now a top aide to Shelby County Mayor A C Wharton.


Former Sen. Roscoe Dixon was also indicted, as were two "bag men" - Charles Love and Barry Myers.

The indictments were part of a sting called "Tennessee Waltz," and began with numerous reports that a number of public officials welcomed bribes in exchange for help passing legislation.

According to indictments released Thursday, Ford took $55,000 from representatives of a bogus company called E-Cycle, to help the company pass legislation that would give the company an edge in its field.

The fake company was based in Atlanta and reportedly was in the business of disposing of used electronic equipment.
According to the indictments, Ford told a representative of E-Cycle who approached him about passing a bill to favor the company: "You are talking to the guy that makes the deals."

The indictment also outlines several threats Ford made to undercover FBI agents, telling one on March 11, 2005, "that if he caught someone trying to set him up, he would shoot that person, kill them, so that there would be no witnesses."

TBI agents were reportedly inside Ford’s downtown office Thursday morning, but there was little activity outside.
Meantime, Shelby County spokeswoman Debby Hall said county officials are preparing a statement on Dixon’s status.
Dixon, a former legislator, works as a top aide for Shelby County Mayor A C Wharton.
Wharton is in Washington state on business.

"We hope it will bring back some of the trust back to state government," said Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Director Mark Gwyn.

The arrests happened as the Tennessee General Assembly was trying to wrap up debate on the state budget and adjourn the session by Friday.

Gov. Phil Bredesen met with Senate leaders after they got news of the arrests, several of which happened early Thursday in Nashville.

Sen. Joe Haynes said Bredesen told the leaders that no more lawmakers were to be charged in the case. The governor told the lawmakers that he had been briefed on the investigation early in the day by FBI and Tennessee Bureau of Investigation agents.

"It's a sad day for the state of Tennessee. It's a sad day for the Legislature," said Senate Speaker Pro Tem Micheal Williams, R-Maynardville.

The Tennessee General Assembly had been trying to wrap up debate on the budget and adjourn the session by Friday.

Newton and Bowers have said they were interviewed earlier this month by FBI agents about Ford

Newton said he was asked about Ford's dealings with TennCare contractors, including a contract worth $429,000 with Doral Dental, and about legislation he had sponsored or co-sponsored with Ford, including one bill that would allow companies to buy and sell used electronic equipment from the state.

During the close of the session Wednesday, Newton asked to withdraw that bill from the House.

Ford, charged with taking $55,000
Dixon, charged with taking $9,500.

Bowers, charged with taking $11,500.

Crutchfield, charged with taking $12,000.

Newton, charged with taking $4,500.

The bill would have required state government to route surplus computer and electronic equipment to local schools districts. It also required that any equipment the schools didn't need be disposed of by a qualified electronic recycling company.

Love, a registered lobbyist and principal in Charles Love & Associates in Chattanooga, said last week that he lobbied legislators on behalf of E-Cycle Management, even though records show he was not registered to work for that firm.

Sponsors of the legislation were Ford, Bowers, Newton, Crutchfield and six other lawmakers - Rep. Ulysses Jones, D-Memphis; Rep. Charles M. Sargent, R-Franklin; Rep. Larry Miller, D-Memphis; Rep. Paul Stanley, R-Germantown; Rep. Joe Armstrong, D-Knoxville; and Sen. Jeff Miller, R-Cleveland.

Rep. Frank Buck, D-Dowelltown, who sponsored a raft of legislative bills dealing with lawmaker and lobbyist ethics reform this year, said he didn't have firsthand knowledge of the arrests but had suspected that more than just Ford might be involved in questionable deals.

"It doesn't surprise me. It would be hard to believe that it was limited to one body (Ford)," Buck said. "That kind of conduct has no place around here."
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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This is an interesting issue in politics.

Political "protection rackets." I.e., "You know, there's a bill running through the Senate that will make your business unprofitable. I sure would like to help you out, but I need to campaign to ensure that I'll be around to vote your way, if you know what I mean. If I can get re-elected, I'll make sure that you are not put out of business."

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Several years ago, Alabama's most powerful legislator, Lowell Barron, got pulled over by a small town cop on the highway and ticketed for going 90 in a 65 zone. He was so incensed that he successfully pushed a bill through that barred cops from towns smaller than 20,000 people (or something like that) from writing speeding tickets on the highways, saying only state troopers should be allowed to do that. He KNEW we had a serious shortage of troopers statewide...

We have been trying to get this stupid law repealed ever since... Don't get me wrong, I like to speed, but I resent lawmakers who think they're above the law. >:(
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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John Ford is a scum sucking pig and should have been arrested along time ago.


Sadly, several hundred escaped. :ph34r:


You made my tummy hurt!:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Minor quibble. A "Congressman" is a member of the U.S. Congress, not a state legislator.

Here you got me all worked up thinking DeLay was arrested.:(

Can't arrest him cause he did nothing wrong!

Sorry, I forget it is the seriousness of the charge.....not the evidence:P
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Before moving here to NC I lived in Memphis for 13 years. When I saw this post for some strange reason I began to smile when I saw Ford's name and the weird thing is I can't seem to get rid of it...B|. Everything you said about the 2-3 families and the admitted "perks" is true. Hell if I remember correctly his was charged with laundering money for the "FORD FOOD MART" over by Interstate BB-Q (memphians know what I'm talking about).

Next on the list (hopefully) will be the young one, "Harold Ford"...I think is his name (if he is still in politics).

And what is this statement made "Its a bad day for Tennessee", shit, it's the best day Tennessee has had.
"A radical man is a man with both feet firmly planted in the air."
-Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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Next on the list (hopefully) will be the young one, "Harold Ford"...I think is his name (if he is still in politics).


Actually this story broke the same day Harold Ford Jr. (Johns nephew) put in is bid for congress. Jr. has been trying to distance himself for a while now. Not sure its gonna work.


And what is this statement made "Its a bad day for Tennessee", shit, it's the best day Tennessee has had.

It's a happy happy day in Tennessee! The morning crew on Rock103 are doing the happy dance and dry humping the couch.:D I can't stop smiling thinking of this prick in schackels.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Is Mike and the gang going to have a "GOODBYE FORD" boogie?

I might have to take some vacation time and come vist, but I should get to jump for free do to it being my idea and all...;)
"A radical man is a man with both feet firmly planted in the air."
-Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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I have been watching WITH GLEE!!! that these crooks were arrested. And it's not just one party or the other, or one race or another, they rounded up dems, repubs, blacks, whites, etc. It's been an equal opportunity round-up!!

It pained me to see Ford released from jail today, the philandering prick. But at least he is on house arrest and basically has his nuts nailed to the floor. I think that jackass is going to jail for a very very long time. The rest of them should go away for a long time too.

Judy, I'm way with you in despising Ford. He gives politicians and even WORSE name! What a weasel.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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Wilder calls it `wrong' for agents to offer money to lawmakers
By Matt Gouras
The Associated Press
May 27, 2005

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - In a rambling Senate speech and prayer, Lt. Gov. John Wilder said it was "wrong" for undercover agents to bait lawmakers with money.

Wilder also revealed he was offered $300,000 years ago from a coal company that was seeking preferential treatment from the state.

He was responding to the arrests Thursday of four sitting lawmakers and a former one in a federal bribery and extortion sting operation.

Sens. John Ford and Kathryn Bowers of Memphis were absent from the Legislature Friday following their arrests. Sen. Ward Crutchfield and Rep. Chris Newton returned to Capitol Hill.

Former Sen. Roscoe Dixon also was charged.

"I'm hurt because John is where he is, and Roscoe is where he is and Kathryn is where she is," Wilder said. "It's rough. We're family. Three members of our family are in hell. Why? Because they're legislators."

Wilder, a Democrat who has been Senate speaker since 1971, also brought the foibles of former Gov. Ray Blanton into his speech, proclaiming Blanton was innocent. Wilder didn't explain exactly why, but Blanton's conviction for selling liquor licenses was overturned after he finished a prison sentence.

Wilder said he was offered money from the coal company, through his son, at about the same time Blanton got in trouble in the late 1970s. Wilder said he turned down the money, telling the company he supported mining whether they gave him money or not.

Wilder said he will treat the indicted lawmakers as full members of the Legislature.

"As far as I'm concerned, they are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt," he said. "I hurt because we have some members that are in serious trouble."

Several lawmakers have criticized authorities for allowing phony bills to be put before lawmakers as part of the sting. Others said undercover agents went too far by offering money as "bait" to trap the indicted lawmakers.

Wilder seemed to agree during a prayer he made to lawmakers after his speech.

"Money out there was here offered as bait to get someone in jail," he said. "It's wrong. It's not your (God's) way."

Wilder also touched on a number of other topics:

Lamenting his failed effort to get state employees a pay raise above 3 percent and promising to renew the fight in January.

Chastising attacks he suffered from the far right in the last election, saying the "right-to-lifers tried to kill me."

Praising the Senate, locked in a slim 17-16 Republican majority, for shelving partisanship and saying they all are still "family."
Since John Wilder is in my district, I called his office and asked for his resignation. He is just as corrupt as John Ford (and told the secretary that). I voted for the other guy and it was a tight race, but unfortunately my guy lost.

Ford had to pick which residence he was going to have his house arrest at and he choose his mistresses so now the wife is going to court to complain that they are depriving his children their father. I guess the mercedes, lexus and bmw most be broken otherwise she could drive them over there. She knows where they live, she drove her car through the house once before.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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I was tickled to see Ford resign the other day. As for the rest of them, I truly hope they get max sentences if found guilty. Half of them are old enough that they would die in prison. Would suit me fine.

Good of you to call Wilder's office. If only everyone was that involved perhaps we'd have TRUE servants of the people as politicians instead of these greedy sons of bitches.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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