
Passenger cutaway handle

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Sorry, just curious:

on tandem rigs, where is the Passenger Cutaway Handle located ?
Does USPA or FAA define any special procedures/rules for its activation ? Like, for instance only in case a malfunction reduces effective canopy size thus only allowing the Tandem Master to be landed etc.
Does USPA or FAA require passenger's verbal consent for its activation or the TM pretty much acts like PIC in this regard ?
Also, any regulations regarding such consent itself? For instance: passenger must articulate legally proper statement within maximum of X feet of altitude loss, and statements like "..what are you f%^&ing nuts !!!???" can be disregarded etc etc.

Thank you.

--Aspiring Tandem Master.

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The more you post, the more I'm CONVINCED you're a 14 year old kid with too much time on his hands who needs to go do his homework.

Not only is this the stupidest question I've ever read here (and that's saying a lot), but it is one you could easily have already found the answer to in any number of ways. Have you ever LOOKED at a tandem harness? Talked to a tandem instructor? Seen a tandem jump? Been to a dropzone? Or are Wesley Snipes and Steve Baldwin the ones who taught you everything you know about skydiving?


Edit: typo

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And the thread about jumping into your backyard was a joke? And the one about not caring (not even KNOWING) what gear you jumped was a joke too? Doubt it. Troll or crater waiting to happen.

Edit: And I posted that when it was still in general skydiving and not in SC. The reason why I think you're just some 14 year old kid is that there's no way you could be seriously asking these questions if you've ever jumped. So either you've never jumped or you're a troll, or both. Which is it?


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Dude, you really ARE very very slow :D

OK, re-read the post, assuming that the Passenger Cutaway Handle mentioned is the one that *cuts away the passenger* from the tandem rig.

Another one for you to think about:
if you really think that I'm a 14.y.o. kid, then arguing with me is triple stupid on your part (HINT: ever tried to piss facing strong wind ?)

Ever heard of this one:
"Never argue on the internet, even if you win, it's still retarded" ?

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