
Gun Discrimination

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No, I'm not. I'm labeling it as NOT ALLOWED IN SCHOOL. That's all. I have no problem with guns, as long as they're not being fired at me. If they had a trapshooting class there, as they do at "other schools", then I would definitely consider not printing the pic as inappropriate, but THEY DON'T, and GUNS ARE NOT ALLOWED AT THEIR SCHOOL. Many people participate in outside activities that are not school-affiliated, and if that activity is not permitted by (well, at) the school, then I believe they also are under no obligation to put it in the yearbook.

I just don't understand why pictures of underage drinking were ok for the year book, or partial nudity?

Hell, even bathing suits are not allowed at the school, but pictures of those have been the yearbook. I just want to know why they thought that one single picture was unacceptable. They hate guns. I don't see anything else to it.
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I work in a school, and it's amazing how much ant-gun propaganda that kids are subjected to. I looked at a Weekly Reader a while back and the headline for an article was "Just Say No To Guns". And then the article went on and on about how evil guns are. You can find the same opinions in many text books and most schools are buying them by the thousands. There's seldom anything favorable about firearms either in any newspaper you read or on a news program on TV. So is it any wonder that people are paranoid of guns.

At the school where my wife works there was a kid who wanted to put a picture of himself in their yearbook of himself hunting. We live in hunting country and many teenagers hunt, here. So he turned in this picture of himself sitting up in a treestand with his rifle.

An old "Biddy" who was the head honcho of the yearbrook was showing this picture to all the teachers saying, "Owe my God, he looks just like a sniper!" And then she promptly refused to print it.

Being raised around guns, I thought what's wrong with that?? But maybe it is offensive to a lot of people...so I guess I don't really care much one way or the other. I guess it is up to this "old witch" in charge.

I really can't see the difference though of maybe showing a student pounding nails with a hammer. That picture would probably be published. But heaven forbid...Maybe my Uncle Fred was killed with a hammer, and "damnit" the sight of another hammer just drives me crazy. I wonder if that picture would be removed. Probably not, because most people aren't paranoid about hammers.

Or maybe they could show a student cutting wood with an axe. Oh Shit!...just think of all the people who have been murdered by people with axes. That one wouldn't be acceptable either by some, but it too would probably be printed!

I could probably think up a few more scenarios. But I guess the bottom line is...if it's offensive to a lot of people maybe it shouldn't be printed. (Even though I can see nothing wrong with picturing a young person with a gun, he uses for hunting)...Steve1

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This whole anti-gun political correctness has gotten to the point of stupidity. many years ago I was in a class and I mentioned to a buddy that I was going to go shooting on the weekend and all the conversation stopped as the class let out a shocked gasp. People looked at me as though I had just proposed enforced sterilization of minorities!! A girl looked at me with disgust and said "I am VERY disapointed!.. I thought better of you!"

It started with smokers, now it's gun owners..who's next. I am not a gun nut but the anti-gun lobby need to lighten up a little.


PS I hope the anti-gun gestapo don't arrest me for using the word gun on the internet.
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PS I hope the anti-gun gestapo don't arrest me for using the word gun on the internet.

Don't worry. That would have to involve the anti-gun leftist radicals working with Bush as he monitors the internet. Not gonna happen. :D

When I was a kid, in fifth grade, my dad took me out with a bolt-action .22 rifle and we shot up paper targets at an outdoor range. I brought the targets into class (suburban Long Island) to show them off. This was in 1981/82. There was no fuss.

If I were you, I would have told that snooty idiot girl that I was disappointed in her -- for being an ignorant, irrational, facts-deprived bigot. :|

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This is much the same as it is here, a student in highscool has the opportunity (even if forced) to attend gay orientation(lifestyle choices) but they will not allow any NRA sponsored gun safety classes or anything to do with guns. In the USA obesity kills more than guns do... should we ban the cooking club? should we ban pictures of kids baking? I am admittedly Distinguished Lifetime member of the NRA and a firearms enthusiast/hunter and ex military... what next should I be banned?

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