
War with Iraq a result of 9/11?

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did Iraq have a direct connection with 9/11".

Accroding to the 9/11 report. No.

But what do the 9/11 commissioners know? Bunch of pinko-liberal know-nothings!

There were republicans on that bench as well. Maybe GW used the Kevin Bacon game to prove the connection?
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There are many connections between nine eleven, Al Quaeda and Iraq.

Just to get you started...

1. Nine and Iraq both have 4 letters

2. eleven and Saddam both have 6 letters

3. Al Quaeda and Iraq. Coincidence? Unlikely.

Any more spring to mind?

That is really one convincing explanation to me. Now I understand.


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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It all goes back to ideology. They fundamentally hate us. Most of them.

Who are you refering to when you say "them"? Iraqis or terrorists? They are not the same people you know.

I do agree that the UN should have done much more and it did fail. It's a pity we couldn't invest our time and money into getting the UN to do a proper job instead of getting into a war which divides people even further.

The U.N. is largely comprised of a bunch of tin-pan dictators who identified, sympathized with and supported Saddam Hussein. Many of them do not share the U.S. ideology of democracy world-wide and therefore had every reason to continue to stall and not enforce their own resolutions.

The U.S. should move the U.N. to Switzerland or some other nuetral country and should seriously consider ending support for it.

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Who are you refering to when you say "them"? Iraqis or terrorists? They are not the same people you know.

I’m referring to Muslim extremists. I am aware that all Iraqis aren’t necessarily terrorists. Thanks for the clarification. :S


I do agree that the UN should have done much more and it did fail. It's a pity we couldn't invest our time and money into getting the UN to do a proper job instead of getting into a war which divides people even further.

When diplomacy fails, war is sometimes necessary. Just because the UN is broken doesn’t mean that we should just sit back and take shit until it gets fixed. They had their chance to step up to the plate and, in cowardly fashion, they did not. I agree. It is a “pity.” [:/]

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I see a bunch of "calls on", "urges", "deplores", "declares invalid", and "condemns" but I don't see much "do and comply with the world's demands or there will be serious consequences."***
Exactly my point. iraq for 12 years was at that level. Then the "serious consequences" bit emerged. But the whole "we've been waiting for 12 years for him to comply" thang should apply across the board to all resolutions and all countries then...

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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I see a bunch of "calls on", "urges", "deplores", "declares invalid", and "condemns" but I don't see much "do and comply with the world's demands or there will be serious consequences."***
Exactly my point. iraq for 12 years was at that level. Then the "serious consequences" bit emerged. But the whole "we've been waiting for 12 years for him to comply" thang should apply across the board to all resolutions and all countries then...

You're just trying to shift focus from the issue at hand. It doesn't invalidate the point that Iraq needed to comply with the world's wishes or else deal with the consequences. He chose the latter. So be it. There has to be justice in the world.

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You're just trying to shift focus from the issue at hand. It doesn't invalidate the point that Iraq needed to comply with the world's wishes or else deal with the consequences. He chose the latter. So be it. There has to be justice in the world.
But once again, justifying going to war solely on the fact that he violated UN resolutions for 12 years is meaningless. Or should be applied evenly to other countries. Otherwise, it is not a valid reason.

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Reading through the posts it seems many people DIRECTLY connect 9/11 with the Iraq war. Just wanted to get an idea of what people think.

There is a double negative in the second option which makes it the same as the first option in the poll.

Balls! How did that creep in? Why wasn't it noticed before?

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But once again, justifying going to war solely on the fact that he violated UN resolutions for 12 years is meaningless. Or should be applied evenly to other countries. Otherwise, it is not a valid reason.

NO NO NO!!! That completely fucks up the 'we gave them 12 years' argument, so leave it alone.

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But once again, justifying going to war solely on the fact that he violated UN resolutions for 12 years is meaningless. Or should be applied evenly to other countries. Otherwise, it is not a valid reason.

Well the UN SHOULD apply it evenly...

Proof again that the UN is crap.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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But once again, justifying going to war solely on the fact that he violated UN resolutions for 12 years is meaningless. Or should be applied evenly to other countries. Otherwise, it is not a valid reason.

Well the UN SHOULD apply it evenly...

Proof again that the UN is crap.

Simply proof positive, tested over a long period of time, that the UN is a worthless, weak, and ineffective organization. And the liberals want to make the US subservient to them so that we have to ask their permission to do anything and also put them in charge of the war in Iraq. Doesn't take a genius to foresee how effective that would be. I had to serve under the UN for a period of time in Haiti. We all see how that turned out. Oh…sorry. That was touted as a “success story” for Clinton. My bad... :D

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I had to serve under the UN for a period of time in Haiti. We all see how that turned out. Oh…sorry. That was touted as a “success story” for Clinton. My bad

Funny my unit was sent to Haiti in 1999...So much for a success story. I was in a Military school at the time, but my buddies told me that was a hell hole.

The UN did a great job there:S

The UN has shown time after time that they are unable and unwilling to do anything about anything. Even when it is right in their face.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Funny my unit was sent to Haiti in 1999...So much for a success story. I was in a Military school at the time, but my buddies told me that was a hell hole.

The UN did a great job there:S

The UN has shown time after time that they are unable and unwilling to do anything about anything. Even when it is right in their face.

I got there in February 95. The UN took over in March. As soon as we were put under UN control, most of our vital resources (i.e. vehicles that could stand the terrain) were taken away and we weren’t left much to do the job. I really got the feeling, especially from the foreign troops that they were there, that they were just there to show a presence and to get paid. It had not shit to do with what needed to be done. My team, as were most, was located in a remote place. Our compound was defended pretty well despite what we had to turn in due to being under UN control (some of our heavy weapons) but it could have eventually been overrun due to the sheer numbers that the Haitians had. Amazingly, a couple months later, we were told to take down our triple standard concertina barrier protection because the UN, in their infinite wisdom, said that it posed too much of a defensive posture and that we were there to display peace and harmony. Nothing pissed me off worse than that except for maybe having to wear their queer looking blue baseball caps. We facilitated their first democratic election which “of course” Aristide won. Despite the fact that many government buildings and voting stations were burned to the ground during the election. It was wonderful. I can’t think of a better solution for that place than to burn the whole thing to the ground. But it was a “success story” for Bill Clinton and the Democrat administration of the day. :)

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