
Suppose Abortion becomes illegal..what then?

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Point being, the whole "prevention of implantation" thing is way down the list and probably wouldn't happen (i.e. rare if the pill is taken properly). Therefore, acceptable to use if you are opposed to abortion.

I agree, as long as you remember that if you DO happen to ovulate, and there's no guarantee at all that you won't (especially if you make a mistake and miss one dose), you're likely to abort the blastocyst and any child you may have created.;)

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Hey, you know I got some respect for ya right?
I find it hard to believe after all I have been through, abortion, pregnancy, childbirth, growing up with a RN/LPN for a mother as well as my sister the medical genious, that I have the wrong idea about ovulation. The only thing I know of that prevents ovulation is a hysterectomy, and that seasonal pill.
If the OC prevented ovulation, we wouldn't have a menstrual cycle... right?

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I agree, as long as you remember that if you DO happen to ovulate, and there's no guarantee at all that you won't (especially if you make a mistake and miss one dose), you're likely to abort the blastocyst and any child you may have created.;)


And it sometimes happens that, even while using OC's properly, ovulation, fertilization, and implantation occurs and the baby goes to term. Rare, but it happens.

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Hey, you know I got some respect for ya right?
I find it hard to believe after all I have been through, abortion, pregnancy, childbirth, growing up with a RN/LPN for a mother as well as my sister the medical genious, that I have the wrong idea about ovulation. The only thing I know of that prevents ovulation is a hysterectomy, and that seasonal pill.
If the OC prevented ovulation, we wouldn't have a menstrual cycle... right?

Right. From what I understand, you won't menstrate unless you stop the OC doseage. My wife does that every third week but I believe you can be safe and do it only 4 times a year. Correct?

"You can't trust anything that bleeds for a week and lives." :P

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Ok, just checking...I wanted to make sure I was following along.
Personally, I don't think its a good idea to prevent my menstrual cycles, but I am well in touch with my body and hormone levels, and whenever I get it my bodies way of doing it's job, there are never good outcomes. :S


"You can't trust anything that bleeds for a week and lives."

That's bad:P

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By taking away their freedom to decide what happend to their body your are attempting to impose your morality on them

They had the freedom not to have sex to begin with in most cases.


impose your morality on them

It isn't YOUR morality.. It's MORALITY period..


as i said, an omnipotent, omniscient divinity will not allow any deaths that interfere with his plan, why dont you just leave it up to him and leave the decisions where they rightfully rest, with the mother? if God has a problem with it i'm sure he'll make it known one way or another, he certainly doesn’t need you lobbying for him…

As I said.. God gave us free will. You choose to support a woman's right to kill an innocent life I choose not to.

In everything you say.. You never once take into account the unborn child's right to live..

Personal attack deleted.

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Some vaccinations given to toddlers are questionable in that they really don't know the long term effects yet. I found those risks acceptable also, however, and my kids got them.

quick question there for ya... did you choose for your children to be vaccinated against any NON deadly diseases, like varicella (chicken pox for those who don't know)??? You know the ones that are not required prior to admission to Kindergarten and as late as 4th grade in some states?

I mean since everyone else is off subject slightly I am taking the liberty too... I'll bring it back in I promise:P

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As I said.. It's a good thing you aren't a father..

Umm, if that isn't a personal attack, I don't know what is. This has been going on long enough with you Rhino, you cannot insult every person that has a different viewpoint than you.

Can we vote on whether Rhino should be permitted to continue with the condescending remarks and blatent disrespect for human dignity????

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quick question there for ya... did you choose for your children to be vaccinated against any NON deadly diseases, like varicella (chicken pox for those who don't know)??? You know the ones that are not required prior to admission to Kindergarten and as late as 4th grade in some states?

I mean since everyone else is off subject slightly I am taking the liberty too... I'll bring it back in I promise:P

Funny you should mention that. I had all three of my kids vaccinated for chicken pox. I have and 8 year old boy, a 5 year old girl, and a 2 year old boy. My 8 year old boy, 2 weeks ago, came down with chicken pox. It was a less pronounced case of it but it still covered much of him. by less pronounced, I mean that the pustules didn't look classic.

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Umm, if that isn't a personal attack, I don't know what is. This has been going on long enough with you Rhino, you cannot insult every person that has a different viewpoint than you.

Can we vote on whether Rhino should be permitted to continue with the condescending remarks and blatent disrespect for human dignity????

Easy killer....roll with the punches. ;)

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Umm, if that isn't a personal attack, I don't know what is. This has been going on long enough with you Rhino, you cannot insult every person that has a different viewpoint than you.

Can we vote on whether Rhino should be permitted to continue with the condescending remarks and blatent disrespect for human dignity????

The unborn children don't get to vote.. Why should you?

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you cannot insult every person that has a different viewpoint than you.

That's true.... Rhino, you made a comment earlier about people being upset and not being able to handle it because they must feel bad about something. You seem to be the only one judging which according to God is not a very Christian thing to do. You also seem to be the only one attacking others and getting upset... what is it they say about protesting too much?

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Ok, the reason I ask is this:

I got the pox at 26, REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD
This is a TYPICAL result to childhood vaccination against varicella, they took in that risk when they gave it to me anyway. I was utterly sick and in and out of the emergency clinic for 3 weeks. 3 years later, the scars are very much visible.

For this very reason, I chose NOT to vaccinate my daughter, even though I had not had the pox yet, I KNEW the risks and weighed them carefully... moderate risk to her immediate health, huge risk to her adult health, preventing antibodies is never ok with me. We need them desperately!!!!

This is important because, we base our knowlege, on what we have found, studied, unearthed and researched... science textbooks are only as good as the last decades great minds (if we're lucky). How can we rely heavily on anything that anyone tells us anymore? Since when are all doctors right? We always learn something new, frankly, we've only been at this "western medicine" thing for a short while...

I went searching... every right to life organization gives the fetus more development at each stage than the scientific journals do. Post #5 would have us believe that an 8 week old fetus has fingers, toes, arms & legs, and fingernails.... when science clearly states, and intrauterine photos clearly show that arm and leg buds are BEGINNING to form at that same time and that the entire organisms is smaller than a dime???

There are so many conflicting opinions... how can that be? I know the two aren't directly related but what is that saying about our medical beliefs?

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None of the above details matter in the slightest. The only thing that matters is that if a woman chooses not to have a parasitic organism growing in her body, it's her decision to make. No one else should force their morality on her, AND ESPECIALLY NOT THE GOVERNMENT.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I probably shouldn't have gotten them vaccinated for chicken pox thinking back on it. They said the chances would be small that he'd get it but, lo and behold, he did. Leave it to me to beat the odds. :S I didn't research that one as well as I should have.

As far as our level of research, you're right in that we don't know near enough and we're learning more and more. Who knows what advances we'll have in another 20 years or so. In your example, however, it doesn't matter to me if it's got fingers and toes yet. It's human. There's not a scientist on this planet who can tell us exactly when it becomes so. With that in mind, it's human and we don't know exactly when it becomes a human, how can we presume to kill our own like we do. Many times for reasons relating to our own convenience. It's very sad IMO.

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I probably shouldn't have gotten them vaccinated for chicken pox thinking back on it.

I think perhaps, you and I are not so different coming from different sides of the issue.

How are you on the whole death penalty thing.. against that too?

Couldn't we have a thread where everyone in one paragraph listed most of their controversial opinions... I love studying human beliefs and how it correlates to the current development of humans as a society!!! I'm so curious if there are anti-abortionists who believe in the death penalty, republicans who want to vote for a democrat, liberal moms who don't believe in child care.. etc...
wouldn't that be fascinating??

oh, and yes very sad when relating to our own personal convenience, I agree!:(

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How are you on the whole death penalty thing.. against that too?

I'm for the death penalty. That's different for me from the abortion issue because of the whole "taking of an innocent life" thing. That's not the case with the death penalty.

Unless you are talking about Illinois. Our former (Republican) governor just appealed to the UN to take a stronger stand against the death penalty based on the Illinois travesties.

Your death penalty argument only works if the system is infallible, and no human system is infallible.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I always thought that the distinction must rest on something like the need to judge others....oh, but that's judgmental, isn't it. Hmmph.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Your death penalty argument only works if the system is infallible, and no human system is infallible.

Our system is the best we've got. We can only do the best we can as imperfect people living in a society. I believe, despite the fact that it isn't perfect, the death penalty is unfortunate but necessary.

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Damn pajarito!!! You keep saying things that suck me right in. Why do you say it's necessary when the studies we have available demonstrate that the death penalty does not deter crime? AND it costs us money?

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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