
Jumping with an injury?

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Hey I injured my knee pretty bad when I landed under a round reserve. I'm pretty sure it would be a brain dead move to jump with a bad knee.... But does anyone have any advise. Its nice warm weather and its been almost two months since I have jumped. That sucks! I really wanna jump!

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Don't do it!! It sucks not being able to jump (I've been grounded from an injury since November), but it'll suck even more if you further injure your knee, end up having surgery for a torn ACL and not be able to jump for six months! Not worth the risk.

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Has a doctor looked at it, and if so what does he(she) say?
If it was serious enough to ground you, you should have it checked out by a good orthopedist or sports medicine specialist.
Here's another test:
Can you run? Can you jump off a table and land on your feet without pain? If not, I would say wait at least until you can.
Why risk it?
I know its hard to stay on the ground. I've been there myself. If you do decide you absolutely have to make a jump, look into a larger canopy maybe, and a good knee brace, and practice your butt slides! Be careful!

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hey anonymous---
like they said. dont do it. like zelda, i have been grounded since november, too. i've gone insane three months ago, and im not sure i can recover mentally from it:)im not sure about knee injuries but kepp stretching, and prerpare for your next jump. even though it may be far away, if you prepare for it like it's coming tomorrow your body will thank you when it finnally does come time to jump.
thats my words of wisdom, now im all out so i hope you apprreciate it:D
get well whoever you are

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I'm definitely going to have to agree with everyone else here & say, "don't do it!"
This past weekend a guy at our DZ, who had just had his ACL repaired 2 months ago, made some jumps under some nice big forgiving student skymaster just so he could get some air time. Well, on his 2nd jump he came in nice & slow for a near perfect landing, took one step & his knee buckled. Now, who knows how far that may have set him back, but I certainly wouldn't risk it if I were you.
"Pull High.... It's lower than you think!"

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There's a guy at our DZ who hurt himself a couple of months ago on a bad landing and had to have surgery on his ACL (and something else to..don't remember). He tried doing a skydive last weekend, under a student canopy even, landed really well, but was trying to hold up the injured leg a bit then ended up stepping forward onto it for balance. He just basically fell over. Now I think he's going to be out for even longer then it would've been had he not tried to start again to early.
Take care of yourself while it's a little colder then you'll be ready to go when it's warmed up!

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