
Any body from Air Adventures in Otay Lake CA ??

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They're all jumping today.... I'm sure Bunny, WhiskeyChick and T1 will respond sometime.
I'll be jumping there soon, but it's hard to pull me away from my hood, El Snore; there's so much neat stuff goin on all the time. :)

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Oh ok cool. Well just for reference i am the really tall (6'3") red headed guy with the binoculars and a camera :) I seem to have made friends with a few people so thats cool. Can't wait to start my training when school lets out and i have the $$$$

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Well, as Shark already said, Bunny, T1, and I jump there. I'll be on the lookout for a big redheaded guy... or you could give us a heads up on when you are coming out and we'll meet you there. After all, it's not too difficult to convince us to go down to the dz!
Shark, I'll get my lazy butt up to Elsinore if you come down to Otay. I still have 2 'snore jump tickets that have been burning a hole in my wallet for a few months now.

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Sorry, I actually had to get off the board for a few minutes, go figure, I was actually expected to do work or something... The nerve of some people... Viking, I'll be around this weekend, I might be going to Elsinore though, but I'm sure I'll see you around.

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I will be going this sunday. I don't jump....yet :( but I love to talk to people and watch people come down. and i usually bring two 12packs (soda...I am only 20) so i guess i will see you there. What do you guys look like? oh ya and i wear a tan colored Adidas hat alot. probly usual DZ atire of jeans and a T-Shirt so i will see ya there and maybe yall can help me get some good pictures :)

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I'll get my lazy butt up to Elsinore if you come down to Otay.

In theory, I should be jumping over "there" since I'm in La Jolla most often. We'll see after the time change. I can probably swing by on your "Team" day on Thursday after the market closes at 1....and if ya wanna pawn off yer jump tix ya can always feedem' to the Shark.

I might be going to Elsinore though

C'mon T1. You gotta be commited. I mean, don't you wanna watch the Shark jump the Frankenrig after Ghopr packs the new Spectre? Well, there's gonna be a lot of RW types 'round the dz for the Matrix thing if you still wanna hang.
WC, you comin up for the 4 ways? BTW, say "hi" to the Easter Bunny for me....

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I think i know who you are but i am not sure. Young Hispanic about 5'7"-5'8" Midback length black hair? is that you? If not whoops :P :)and besides Sunday was a bust b/c of the clouds. It never got above 2500 >:( But Buzz bet somebody 5 jump tickets that he couldn't run from the parking lot to the start of the runway to the end of the runway and back to the parkinglot in less that 11mins. Buzz lost the guy did it in 7:53!!! this is the same guy that ran up and down the mountain to the left of the road in 43mins the bet was for 1 jumpticket if he could do it in less than an hour. I think Buzz has a gambling problem!!!!

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Nope, that's not me. That hot hispanic you're refering to is Erica. Check in the other packing trailer where Edge is. And as for Buzz having a gambling problem, that's a well known fact! Since Buzz hardly ever loses, I wish I could have seen Matt win those jump tickets on sunday!

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Whiskeychick: My bad!! I know were your talking about now those big steal boxs. and about Matt i think he rigged it b/c Buzz asked him how long it would take him and he went did alot math to try and figure it out and IMO i think he gave himself alot of leway.
BarretJ99: ya i was there that weekend I think he made about it halfway through the landing area when the guy who was being carried said stop b/c the other guys shoulder was doing a # on his insides.

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