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I'm afraid it was me.... Mea Culpa:(.
You know how it is... Someone asks for advice... You give it - in the sure & certain knowledge it'll probably make little difference in the end... Then you're completely blindsided by it actually working!!!!!
I refer of course to my actually suggesting to PLFKING how he could land without maiming obese children or acting like a Kamikaze pilot on finals to USS Yorktown!!! With hindsight I should have behaved consistently & just laughed at him;)!
Still... Now that he can land two things will happen...
First... The median american child will be fatter without his darwinian selection of a landing target:D.
Second... He will have to get a new username here & thus suffer the ignonimity of being a "newbie" again:D:D:D:D:D.
So... The (PLF)King is DEAD! Long live the "StandingMeister".
Mike D10270.

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God, how I wish it were true...........
Mikey has always given good advice -- my case only illustrates the old fable about the great potter working with inferior clay (i.e., no matter how good his advice is, he's trying to help an idiot with limited mental capacities.........but this idiot won't quit trying !!) (which only proves that Darwin wasn't COMPLETELY correct !)
And the obese kids will get obeser, and McDonalds will stay in business.......
Unfortunately, 7 stand-ups in 31 jumps still doesn't qualify me in any way, shape, or form as "skilled", but I am getting better, due to Mike's incredible patience and willingness to share his knowledge and life experiences. Why, my "face-skids" alone have shrunk from an average distance of 60 feet to a miniscule 45 feet ! (AND the scabs on my nose and chin are not nearly as abhorrant !)
Thanks, Mike !
The PLF Crown Prince
(btw -- the pink pills you reccommended ? Can you have Iona send some please ? My doctor says they are only approved for use by the British.........something about how they kill off brain-cells, and the Brits don't use most of theirs anyway........)

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Ooh, pink pills?? I want some!!! :D
Will they help my landings too? Or will they just subdue the pain afterwards, inflicted upon myself ass surfing through the peas? oh I forget, I ass surf through the mud, not the peas, LOL!!
I can stand 'em up at any DZ but SDD. Now that makes no sense. Something there is intimidating me!! OOOHHHH fuck that shit!! Out comes the whip, clamps, and risers!! NOBODY intimidates the freaksis!!!! Well, uh...um...let's leave that discussion behind!! (wouldn't want to lose my rep as the dominatrix around here!)
Go Kingie!! If you start aiming for medium sized kiddos instead of the biggies, then you can safely say you are improving your accuracy by giving yourself a smaller target!! I have some accuracy probs, and I must say it is because there are no children at all running around my DZ, fat or not!
Mike I need meds, help!! I am suffering from INTENSE sexual deprivation!! Ohmigod!!! I may not survive until... uh, nevermind.
"What we're all really seeking is something where we can feel the rapture of being alive."J.Campbell

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Unfortunately, 7 stand-ups in 31 jumps still doesn't qualify me in any way, shape, or form as "skilled"...

Yes, but it does in fact qualify you as having 7 more stand-up landings than Jessica, in the exact same number of jumps. So quitcher bitchin!!! :)It's coming...the first stand-up (BEER!)...I can feel it...the mental block is lifting...
Freaksis, maybe there IS something about SDD!

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In response to Zennie's post -- and let me put on my flame-proof underwear here - if ya' take that wrap for the extra flare, don't do it up high...wait until the first leg of your landing approach, cause if ya' do it up high and then have to cut away for some reason, the line can snag on your hand...especially if you are wearing gloves... and then...watcha gonna do?? I did that until it was pointed out to me...then I had my brake lines shortened...it worked out better...and doesn't take but a few seconds...

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You are now the PLF Queen !
The good thing now is, even though I'm not standing them all up, my PLFs are "soft" ones -- hit on feet, fall forward on knees, chest and back never hit the ground (usually). So there is hope for me yet !
Zennie, FFF -- my problem is that I complete my flare too early, and stall the canopy while my feet are still 4-5 feet off the ground -- will wrapping the brake lines around my hands help in this case, or will I just stall more quickly, and be 6-7 feet high instead of 4-5 ? If so, this doesn't sound like the direction I want to go !
Sis -- Happy Birthday again, old woman ! The pink pills don't cure my landing problems, but, when I ingest them, I can somehow get to altitude without the aid of a plane ! Go figure.....
Mike -- as always -- you are the true KING !
The PLF Selectman

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my problem is that I complete my flare too early, and stall the canopy while my feet are still 4-5 feet off the ground -- will wrapping the brake lines around my hands help in this case, or will I just stall more quickly, and be 6-7 feet high instead of 4-5 ?

You're right. It stops you faster. I was going off my experience which is that I wait until the very last second and hit it, which usually causes me to plane out. On no-wind or crosswind landings it's hard to run 'em out with my "standard" flare.
If you're flaring to early, you don't want to do my method. A couple of suggestions (passed on to me, so I'm just continuing the meme):
1. Picking the time to flare is really a feel thing. One suggestion I read somewhere is to start the flare when you are about the same distance from the ground as you are from the canopy (I actually start a touch lower now, but it's a good starting point).
2. Keep the toggles down until you are at a complete stop. It takes a lot of concentration, but a lot of biffs are caused when you let up right as your feet touch the ground.
3. In a similar vein as #2, if you are at a stop 5-6 feet from the ground, keep the toggles down. If you let up, the canopy will surge forward. Just let it set you down. Ya gotta trust it (I had this problem for a while).
4. Do a lot of practice flares in the air. Get a good feel for your canopy's stall point. I do it 3-4 times every ride.
I'm not saying you do any of these, but these were tips I was given and found helpful.
Blue Skies!

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