Skydiving Shoes Found!

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After much exploration and research, I believe I have finally found an ideal shoe for skydiving.
It is a Special Edition shoe made by K-Swiss, called a "Chillton."
My goal was to find a VERY LIGHT shoe with a sole and heal area made with a VERY LOW FRICTION MATERIAL compared to any other sports shoes.
A low friction material in the heal area would make for much easier jump suit leg removal.
This same low friction material in the sole will make for better turf surfs.
Data from K-Swiss>
UPPER: Full-grain/synthetic leather combination or metallic fabric. OUTSOLE: New ultra-light EVA capsole. DETAILS: Streamlined stitched design with overlay strap. New K-Swiss metal eyelets and Shield vamp emblem.
These shoes are very high quality, and look very cool.
They are available in three colors.
MSRP $70.00
Here's the URL for K-Swiss
Be sure to check out the "Go 360* "
To order, click on "Gear" then "Classics" then "Chillton."
31248 Oak Crest Drive
Westlake Village, CA 91361

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My goal was to find a VERY LIGHT shoe with a sole and heal area made with a VERY LOW FRICTION MATERIAL compared to any other sports shoes.

Sounds like you need some kung fu shoes. They are very light with rubber soles without much tread. Perhaps when mine get a little more beat up I'll start wearing them when I jump.

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Dutchboy said:
Sounds like you need some kung fu shoes. They are very light with rubber soles without much tread. Perhaps when mine get a little more beat up I'll start wearing them when I jump.
DB> You do not want rubber soles/heals for the reasons stated in my post.
Less tread means nothing in this use other than less mud collection.
A lower coefficient of friction counts here.
Dave Brownell

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All if favor of skydiving without anything on your feet say "I"......I!! I know that I'll have to train with shoes on, but I don't want to wear shoes when I jump after that. I would think that the wind in my toes would feel awesome (and keep me toejam-free:)Any thoughts on this??

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Don't land out. I like to wear TEVAs when I jump if it is warm out. I wouldn't jump barefoot as you don't know what you might be landing on if you have to land out due to a bad spot or high winds. Even in the grass landing areas there are stray stones and things that could really hurt feet on landing. Sandals at least provide some protection against these types of hazards. If you do jump barefoot have fun, but be careful to land somewhere that you won't hurt your feet.
Blue Skies,

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three shoes I have liked the most:
Old-style Tevas with the strap coming up between your big toe and the second toe. Those are MUCH less likely to get torn off if you hit a rock or dip on your surf. Of course this doesn't matter if you are jumping your bootie-suit. They were discontinued for several years, but I am pretty sure you can order them from the Sunshine Factory now.
Second favorite is a set of US Navy coral dive-booties. Gray canvas uppers almost exactly like Chuck Taylor All-Stars, but with a very thin, though stiff, slick hard-rubber sole. Super lightweight, smooth bottomed, extremely cheap (free for me). I sewed flames (cut out of a VS-17 panel) on the sides of mine while drinking heavilly in the rigger loft. Terribly cool.
Third on my list of all-time favorites is standard issue U.S. Postal service high-tops. They are black reebock-looking things with VERY slick, flat soles. Gotta be made in Taiwan or something, but MAN do they slide along during turf-surfs! My postmaster buddy Ray Porterfield hooks me up with them (for free of course) everytime I wear a set out. Groovy!

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