
Lost my stomach but not in free fall

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lost my stomach for the first time on jump 105 but it wasn't in freefall.
Last load of the day. All local boys and DZ employees. With a light load (13 on the super otter) we passed through 14,500. We were all hooting and high fiven when one of the guys in the back of the plane shouted to the pilot to get his attention. The pilot turned to see the jumper grinning from ear-to-ear making a porpoise motion with both hands. The pilot smiled turned around in his seat and sent the the otter into a negative G dive for about 10 seconds. It was awesome!!!!We all became weightless, as though we were in space. The entire group was drifting towards the open door, laughing and grasping for anything we could get a hold of. The pilot new exactly how hard to dive for us to stay afloat without stuffing us into the ceiling. The recovery caused equal positive G's. He then proceede to 15,200 and we all went out to play.This is one for the logbook.
I wanted to share this with everyone and remind you to buy a beer or two for those cool dudes who take us up to play.
Blue Skies and Sandy Beaches
Ps. Thanks everbody for the tips on how to get out of "Spell Check Hell" This is the one I lost.

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I probably would've lost my stomach for real! LOL! The pilot teases me from time-to-time cuz he knows how I hate when it's really bumpy or the thought of landing! I was teasing him last weekend to 'keep his hands on the wheel' cuz he was writing something on his notepad when I looked up at him and he just laughed. He told me that he can fly with his feet too, then showed me by dipping to the right and left. ARGH! Okay! I believe you! hehe
Definately prefer being OUT of the plane! LOL! Of course, I get naseous on a damn swing, so doesn't take much :) Thank heavens I don't throw up easily!
Some new pics.

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That is sooo cool!
It's the reverse of my very first plane ride... positive Gs followed by negative Gs. As a kid, I thought it was fun. Most of the passengers on the 727 would disagree, especially the flight attendants who were serving drinks at the time :o. Afterward, the pilot told us that we had just avoided a collission with a small plane. Since then I've only had one experience in a plane that scared me... landing in Boston.

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Wait, you landed with the plane . . . strange!!

Yup! I hear some people do it all the time. Frankly I don't get it.
Whuffo those people wanna risk their lives coming down in a hunk of metal??? ;)
I'd rather float like a multi-colored snowflake through the breath of God. :)1111,

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"We are now cruising at 37,000ft, the pilot has turned off the seatbelt and no-jumping signs, please feel free to move about and outside the cabin. According to the GPS you should land somewhere in Kentucky..."
God, if skydivers were incharge of commercial airlines...
AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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Whuffo those people wanna risk their lives coming down in a hunk of metal???

Ya know, everytime I'm on an airliner I ask them to give me a nice spot right above the terminal and they keep telling me to sit down & shut up. :S

I'd rather float like a multi-colored snowflake through the breath of God. Don't ya just love the imagery Michelle uses???

I don't know about the rest of y'all, but here in Houston God needs a little Listerine. :$
Blue Skies!
Edited by Zennie on 6/27/01 11:23 AM.

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I had somthing like what happened to geekstreak. I was coming back from spacecamp when i was a kid and we had to fly into a thunderstorm and if you live the south you know those puppies can get pretty damn mean. So we are bucking along and the guy next to me is getting loaded then the plane just dropped and i remember seeing the guys glass float up infront of his face and when the plane hit stable air it dropped right in his lap!!!! ahhhh wind shere can be fun
Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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You all are such lightweights. I used to be one of those flight attendants. I would stand up and walt through most rough spots, but then I knew what to do if it got bad, too. Personally I really didn't mind turbulance at all it was the passengers who kept saying, "Honey, can't you do something?" "Darling, is it always like this?" Then there are those intelligent people who insist that the seatbelt sign is for others. Of course, they wind up with their hard heads plastered to the ceiling, and whine all the way down. Now I really minded them!
It is so funny now to look back and realize we used to bet what type of pilot we had based on a landing. Slam and stick was always Navy, no bounce and easy approach was Army or Air Force, and bounce to the terminal was civilian. I've only ridden down once with our jump pilot and I have no desire to do it again. Something about it was unnatural to say the least.
I do think I need to have our pilot do a seatbelt check sometimes just for good measure...sounds FUN.

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