
If all jump sites were as good as this one...

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dropzone.com seriously kicks ass. There are a few little glitches here and there, but for the most part, this is an extremely well-done site. The front end is probably the best for just any skydiving site. Now if only DZ sites looked this good. Again, this is just my opinion. I know a lot of you out there work hard on your DZ's web site, but it seems like most drop zones don't want to bring in the expertise of design professionals. There are some good-looking skydiving sites out there. Psychocirkus.com looked good. Icarus and PD have nice-looking sites. There are some others out there that I'm forgetting or haven't seen. However, it seems that most DZ web sites are really up to par with what is out there.
I only bring this up because for the third time now, I've recommended a first jump to someone by referring them to their local DZ's web site, and they said that they didn't trust the place, because their site was so unprofessional. Anyone else feel me on this? I'm sure it works just fine for a lot of people. Hell, I have the most critical eye of anyone I know, and I still did my first jump at a DZ that had a horrid site that was hosted by AOL. I didn't care... just because a DZ has a crappy web site doesn't mean they don't know what they're doing.
All I'm saying is that most DZs don't have web sites that live up to quality of the facility. I'd encourage DZs to seek out web designers from their own customer base, and comp them in jumps, or even money (which would go into jumps). This way, you'd have a good looking design by someone who knows the place. Any increase in ROI due to the design would be worth it. Comp the designer ten jumps, and if you get four or five tandems that choose your DZ because it looks like a quality establishment due to the professionalism of the site, then you've already made your money back.
Just a suggestion, and my own thoughts.
- Macaulay

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I agree 110% that dz.com is a great website. Terrific lay out, easy navigation, great content, always up to date. And I say that not in comparison to other related websites, but in relation to all website. This is definitely one of the cleanest, most appealing designs I've seen period.
A freefall thumbs up to Sangiro.
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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Be carefull how you express your opinions around here, you might get stepped on. I agree with you that there are some that could look alot better or might even just want to get rid of the website all together. but if this is one of the few ways for them to get free advertising then the web is definatly the way to go especialy with the tight margins the DZO's have to play with....just my .02

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Right. I realise that most DZs don't really have room in their budget for something like that. That's why I suggest they should pool their customers or friends for volunteer or ticket-comped work, should they feel prone to step the site up. Having held three back-to-back executive positions in advertising and design, I can't help but notice this lacking element.
And yes, dropzone.com is comparable to any top site out there. I'm actually most impressed with the seamless integration of the web-based e-mail. I've had to do that one before, and it was a pain in the ass. Both the front and back ends of it are very well done. This site on the whole is definitely a feat of which to be proud.
- Macaulay

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To each his own, having / paying for a dz website is a business / marketing decision just like any other. I write the website for my home DZ http://www.skydivemonroe.com and would have done it for free but my dzo and all involved insisted on some form of compensation, so I didnt argue. we recieve a tremendous amount amount of traffic every day, more than I anticipated anyway.
I have seen LOTS of dz sites, and I have built and helped maintain certain aspects of many existing websites, including graphic templates for a few, installing cgi's etc for others, and one thing that I've noticed is that the average web surfer is amused easily (animated gifs etc), and really doesn't look for professionlism. While others still are quick to critisize a loading flash movie. Finding the right mix is what I think is the key.
In my opinion most dropzones / or many other businesses dont realize the potential they have to reach targeted customers everywhere with online campaigns, especially dropzones. Where do all you guys go for information on Dz's when your headed out of town? (dz.com right?) So any dz thats not listed or poorly represented doesnt get the exposure to thousands of skydivers and countless interested whuffos!
like I said to each his own!
If you guys think your dz's website sucks - have your dzo drop me an email! LOL :)C-28534

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