
Any SF Bay Area DZ.commers?

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So is anyone here up in the SF Bay Area? It seems there's a lot of people down south and a lot in the midwest and back east, but I don't see to many people from up here.
Anyways if you're out there give a shout and let me know where you jump. I should have my A license soon and that will open me up to getting out to other DZs up here and distributing my beer debts at new places to new faces
PS - I jump out at Byron

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I'm in SF and jump at Byron too. Name's Jack. I'm doing AFF right now, but am going to England for a few weeks and will be uncurrent when I get back, soooooooo that means retraining and who knows what level I'll have to start at again. (I'm currently cleared for Leve4)
I might try to get out there this friday just to keep my currency, but if not will be back in about 3 weeks.
Man that Byron wind can really mess with a student, eh??

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Man that Byron wind can really mess with a student, eh??

tel me about it - it took me over a month and half from doing my ground school to getting to do my level 1 jump and I was out at the DZ sat & sun every weekend. when the winds finally came down I did all 8 jumps in two days and haven't stopped since - well except for the wind that is.
I've started to teach peple out there to climb so that on the really bad days when noone can jump we head out to Mt. Diablo and climb instead - but always make it back to the dz for beer light;)

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Hi Eric, I think we've meant out at Byron. I am repeating L4. I was out there on Sunday but the wind was too high. I left around 1oo pm. Are you the guy who also kayaks, and the one who brought out about 6 tandems awhile ago? I've been out at Byron since May, doing my Level 1 when I did the ground school but then got blown out by winds for 3 weeks in a row. Other than the wind, I like Byron - good instructors, no attitutde problems, not to far far where I live in Fremont. I'll be out there this Saturday.

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Hey! What's going on Eric? I wonder if you're the same Eric I met up at Byron. You had been waiting like a week to do Level 1 because of winds. I was there with Nick and Gene and all them (there were 10 of us) for our first tandems. We got winded out on a Saturday and we all went back on Sunday and a bunch of us ended up doing 2 jumps. I was only up there for the weekend so I decided to do my AFF at Perris down here in so cal. Just finished level 8 last Saturday and I've banged out 4 solo's so far.
Well, if this is the same Eric, and even if it's not, I usually come up to Berkeley to visit Nick and Gene every couple months of so (not so much now that I'm jumping every weekend), so next time I come up, I'll have my A license and I'll probably catch you at Byron. Real name's Anthony. Keep us updated on your progress.
-can't you trip like I do-

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hey clubber
whoo-hooo the addiction is spreading;)
yeah its the same Eric - glad to hear you went for the AFF and congrats on finishing it up. I finished my AFF July 4th. It took me another 2 weeks from when I met you to get my level one jump done, but then banged the rest out fast while the winds held. I'm still using up all the free jump tickets I got from when you guys did your tandems - thanks:)
You should think about coming up here at the end of September for the Byron Boogie and we can jump together, or I may have to make a trip down there once I get my A license which should be in the next week or two. I just have to do my Hop-n-Pop and learn to pack.
Now you just have to convince Nick and Gene to take the AFF course. Diane is planning on doing when she gets to New Zealand in Feb/March.
we'll jump together soon

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Hehehe! Enjoy those jump tickets, dude. I think I'll probably make it up there for the boogie in Sept. What's the story at Byron on demo rentals, because I'm not sure if I'll have my own rig by then or not. Hopefullly, but not sure.
I'm sitting trying to remember who in that whole group actually organized it and got all 10 of us there at one time. I can't remember if it was Gene or Diane. Whoever it is, it changed my life and I'm pretty sure there's a whole lot of beer in order!!! :)-can't you trip like I do-

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well the story on rentals at Byron is pretty sad I must say and there are no demos on hand. Bonnie who runs the proshop there (www.gravitygear.com) can arrange for demos though so you may want to get in touch with her.
as to the arranging of your trip out to Byron, Diane and Gene and Amanda were suppossed to have gone like a year ago for Amanda's B'day, but it neer happened until then. I found the place, Diane did all the organizing and Gene was in charge of hearding everyone together. I'm glad to be a part of it and look forward to meeting up with you in sky and drinking beer when the light comes on.
Hey do they teach packing classes on the weekends down there? At Byron it's only during the week and since I can't get time off right now that's holding me up from getting my license.

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Hey, guys.
About that packing class....it is offered by Skydive U weekdays only, $80 and cash only. There are other ways around that, though, so I should go investigate those avenues, too. But in the meantime, I think if we get enough people up for it at one time (like, maybe 5 or 8 or so), I might be able to convince Leticia or Ulie that we should get a weekend class - special, just for us, cause we're really good people, and we'd bring them beer......
Should I try? And how many of you are up for it? Let me know, I'll be going out on Sunday, and could ask around then....
ciel bleu-

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Looks like I owe Eric, Diane, Amanda, AND Gene beer. :)As for the gear rentals, it just looks like I'll have shine on a few bills and buy my rig before I come up. Oh, please, don't twist my arm too hard. Uncle Sam and my landlord just have to learn a little about priorities. If they jumped, they'd get it. That's it! Take my landlord and local IRS agent skydiving!!!! Sounds like a plan.
Michele, a weekend packing class would be perfect for me. See what you can find out.
-can't you trip like I do-

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Yeah. There's tons of tents at Perris. Showers, washing machines, the whole lot. Cheap rooms down the street too. I live about an hour and 15 minutes away, but you could crash at my house if you wanted too.
I'm sure Michele will be checking into the weekend packing class (I'll remind her). If we can set it up, we'll let you know.
-can't you trip like I do-

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I jump at Hollister, great bunch of people. We have a King Air and make 15,000 on every jump. Most skydivers are probably like me and would be totally willing to teach someone to pack. For student gear you will learn to flat pack (also called book pack) the canopy. I was static line trained and at a windy dropzone. During the downtime we practiced packing. So I've been packing since jump 6 or 7. As you get your own rig, it will take about 5 pack jobs to feel comfortable with pro packing.

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About that packing class....it is offered by Skydive U weekdays only, $80 and cash only

You have got to be fucking kidding....sorry but this is an outrage...80 bucks for a stinking packing class that in my opinion should be included in the first jump course....or at least incorporated into the AFF course. what a rip off.
is this a CA thing or what?
Did somebody call a medic

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Hey, Marc
Well, I dunno about its being a CA thing, we're weird here anyway. I do know that Perris Skydiving School has a contract with Skydive U for the requirements. And we are not necessarily informed that there is an option to be had - i.e. some other school, and/or packing classes from a rigger. We are informed that we must have 3 rw lessons and a packing class, and that these are available from Skydive U.
Now, I know that there are other ways around it, and so I will be investigating it thoroughly this Sunday. I will likely find a few people to help with the requirements, likely for a much lower cost than described above.
But yeah, the way it's presented kinda sucks...
ciel bleu-

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I was static line trained and at a windy dropzone. During the downtime we practiced packing. So I've been packing since jump 6 or 7.

SAME HERE! S/L, windy dz, downtime packing lessons...I can't imagine paying $80 for a packing class. Fuck that!
Sis (go Michele, go! )
Before you judge me, take a look at you...

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Hey Darrell
the winds cam down around 11am and held until about 3pm - I got 2 jumps in. One solo and then a coach jump where we worked on varying fall rate and docks.
We had 3 of us wanting to do a hop-n-pop, but they didn't have a cessna pilot so that was out. I think I am going to try and get there Friday and do it then.
So let's jump together next weekend

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