
my jumping video

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Last week I was at my sister's house and a few other family members were there. Of course I brought the video of my latest jumps with me. I think it had around 8 jumps on it. There was mostly sit flying and a raft dive (thanks Eric). I was so surprised that they really didn't care about the tape. They were talking about something not skydiving related while it was on. When it got to my raft dive, all my mom could say was "why did you bring a boat with you?" I couldn't believe it. How could they not be excited to watch me skydiving?! They just don't get it. Or maybe they just don't like me....no, we'll stick with they just don't get it.

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I usually get the same blank stare or they just ignore me alltogether. Worse is when they ask stupid questions (like the boat question!) that aren't even related! But get this... last week my 67 year old mom came over when I was watching my Olav video and she was ignoring me and watching the tape!!! At one point she said, "Hey, rewind it. Did you see what he just did? That was cool! " Then, as we were talking about how he pulled that maneuver off she was like "I'll bet if you put your arms out and your feet down..." And she doesn't even have any interest in skydiving herself! Pretty cool. Gotta love Mom. I think it just takes a while for them (family/friends) to get over the shock and maybe also some jealousy. Even if they don't want to do it, they probably wish they had the balls. So keep at em. And if they never get it, who gives a rats ass as long as you can keep skydiving! Cheers!

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I used to throw in Good Stuff everytime my buddies would come home from college and I would ask them, "Hey, have you guys seen this yet??". They would always answer.....YEA......lots of times.
Oh well....I guess when you're hooked on something, you will have any excuse to see it, right??
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About the raft thing.... what are they going to say about the upcoming "First Annual Greene County Raft Races" that your entered into? BTW we got like 8 video people on the loads already

I'm sure they won't really care but I'm all excited about it. 8 video people huh? Well I guess it will be nice to have it on tape when OUR team wins:)

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Well, Rodeo, I would say that unless you are jumping just to impress other people, who gives a shit if the wuffos don't dig it??? Skydiving is all about you - not them! Don't let some disinterested friends/relatives bring you down from the clouds -- we jump because WE love it!!!

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Well I guess it will be nice to have it on tape when OUR team wins

The other team was trying to sway my expertiese last night by geting me drunk and filling out Cobalt demo forms with me. :SIt did'nt work too well. I think we are going to need a fair and impartial judge for this event.
I hearby accept the nomination on behalf of the members of DZ.com to judge myself in this event.
What do ya all think about my speech??
Do I HAVE to do another raft dive??? :)

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I was so surprised that they really didn't care about the tape

We've pretty much given up on showing our vids to wuffo friends... Its not their cup of tea, and fair enough ( I know I can be bothered watching their 2 hour long vid of their last trip to the beach with the kids....)

"I'll bet if you put your arms out and your feet down..." And she doesn't even have any interest in skydiving herself! Pretty cool. Gotta love Mom.


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I am right there with you. I am always amazed that my whuffo contacts are not totally excited to watch skydiving. I have actually been told (prepare yourselves) "Please not another boring skydiving video". Morons all Morons!!!!!
Rodeo: I am always ready to watch your SD videos, any time!!!!

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