
a week ago

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wow how the world can change, a week ago the world was looking for peace instead of war, a week ago the two towers still stood, a week ago thousands where still alive, a week ago the world thought terrorism wouldnt effect them, a week ago americans woke up to another day in their mundien lives, a week ago the world was not united against terror, a week ago talk centered on a billion things now just a few, war, terror, fear ppl of my generation havnt experienced this at this magnitude before, for some reason humans never learn until its to late. this thursday its time up for the talibine where will we be in a weeks time, the world will be changedm for the better or the worse who knows. im pro military strike hell i want to join the army, to defend my country, but what if next week the world isnt the way we want it ,what if next we have butchered millions of innocents then start to feel quilty, what if next week the world is in a nuclear winter, what if next week humans cease to exist. retaliation is needed but think about everthing first wether it be the abuse of an innocent arab neighbour or support of a nucluler strike
my generation now know the fear of the war cloud hangiong over us, a future where friends will dissapear forever where ppl will see and suffer unmentionable attrocities.I still want to fight but I now am starting to understand what the cold war generation meant about constant fear, and the vietnam veterans about how you do NOT want a war no matter how cool it looks on tv. We are going to a war that is a fact but for once lets learn from our mistakes i dont know how but i hope that the next generation dont fall prey to the evil that has, in the past and is about to sweep the world. i hope all they know about war will be from history books i know its a big ask and i dont have any of the answers but after this is over, if we are still her mayby the whole world should have anther look at itself
the human race is on a track to ultimate destruction we control the reigns we can turn it around, but it has to be a world wide thing a person can not turn around if they only use one muscle it needs them all working in unison
ps. Im sorry about my spelling i tried real hard for this post
Lest we Forget

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i think this song sums up the world at the moment i know it was aimed at guys but its verry fitting (not my taste in m,usic just read carfully thrue the words
All Saints Never Ever
A few questions that I need to know
How you could ever hurt me so
I need to know what i've done wrong
And how long it's been going on
Was it that I never paid enough attention
Or did I not give enough affection
Not only will your answers keep me sane
But i'll know never to make the same mistake again
You can tell me to my face
Or even on the phone
You can write it in a letter
Either way i've have to know
Did I never treat you right
Did I always start the fight
Either way i'm going out of my mind
All the answers to my questions I have to find
My head's spinnin'
Boy i'm in a daze
I feel isolated
Don't wanna communicate
I take a shower
I will scour
I will roam
To find peace of mind
The happy mind
I once owned yeah
Flexing vocabulary runs right through me
The alphabet runs right from a to zee
Conversations, hesatations in my mind
You got my conscience
Asking questions that I can't find
I'm not crazy
I'm sure I aint done nothing wrong, no
I'm just waiting cos I heard that this feeling won't last that long
Never ever have I ever felt so low
When you gonna take me out of this black hole
Never ever have I ever felt so sad
The way i'm feeling yeah you got me feeling really
Never ever have I had to find
I've had to dig away to find my own piece of mind
I've never ever had my conscience to fight
The way i'm feeling yeah it just don't feel right
I'll keep searching
Deep within my soul
For all the answers
Don't wanna hurt no more
I need peace gotta feel at ease
Need to be
Free from pain
Go insane
My heart aches yeah
Sometimes vocabulary runs through my head
The alphabet runs right from a to zed
Conversations, hesatations in my mind
You got my concience asking questions that i can't find
I'm not crazy
I'm sure I aint done nothing wrong
Now i'm just awaiting cos I heard that this feeling won't last that long
chorus x3
You can tell me to my face
You can tell me on the phone
Oooh you can write it in a letter babe
Cos I really need to know
You can write it in a letter babe
You can write in in a letter babe(fade)

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Nice one, skyhawk. Fuk the spelin.
We are about to get into something no generation has ever faced. We've been putting it off, I think, and now we've paid a terrible price.
Every world conflict seems to be different. WWII had very clear lines of right and wrong, and clear use of military force. Up until the nuke, anyway. Viet Nam introduced television to war, which introduced the reality of war to the masses. That, on top of a weak moral imperitive and a difficult tactical situation, well... you know the result. By the Gulf War, we were back to clear right and wrong, and the military had learned to use the media to its advantage. We had also knew how to fight that kind of war. That was an easy one (unless you were there - war is hell, they tell me).
This next one can go either way, I would guess. Hopefully, we have learned from Viet Nam (and our own Revolutionary War) how/if to fight insurgents in difficult terrain with minimal civilian casualties, but I doubt it. Not that we are ignorant, but that it is too hard a problem. The moral imperitive sure seems clear now, but is already starting to get muddied up. This is not a whole nation in a single region that can be carpet-bombed. This enemy is more like the drug industry. It will be hard to find the right people and bring them to justice. Our experience as police will better serve us than our experience as soldiers, although it will take an interesting combination of both to do this one right, along with some serious diplomatic strength, to open doors, prevent "misunderstandings" and collect intelligence.
God help us.

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