
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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Hey everyone! I hope this finds everyone safe and well and under some blue skies!
I wanted to remind everyone that October is the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The goal is to obviously make people more aware of this, and come together to find a cure. I hope all of you jumpers are already aware that the skydiving community is doing another Jump for the Cause, it will be in October 2002. For information on how to try out or help to start fundraising for the event you can go to www.square1.com and there's a Jump for the Cause link you will find on the site, that will give you oodles of info.
There are so many other ways, not just skydiving that we can help bring awareness,
There's Race for the Cure, a 5 k walk/run, held in cities throughout the nation to help in this race for life. It's something a whole family can do, and it's 5k, it's not bad, anyone can do it!!!! Ok ok, so some of us can not jump or run...ok simple, we can donate! There's so any ways as well.
For the whole month of October you can pick up a scarf from Macy's from the Ford motor Co. for 12 bucks and sport it for support. or order online at www.macys.com
If you save the labels from Yoplait yogurt and send them in yoplait will donate 10 cents per lid to the Susan B. Komen Foundation.
American Express is donating a portion of charges made for the cause as well, there's along list of stores that apply.
Wearing denim on October 5th for Lee National Denim Day and donating $5 to the Susan B. Komen Foundation in help to stand, to wear them blue jeans to help fight breast cancer. www.denimday.com
There are so many different ways I could fill up all the rooms in these forums really...so I would say to check out some of these sites! www.breastcancerinfro.com or www.cancer.org www.komen.org those are just a few, I'm sure you guys and gals see what I'm getting at, we can all pitch in somehow, someway, we can make a difference, just don't wait to help out because you don't know anyone personally whose died or who has been fighting this. It's like passing up the person on the side of the road with a flat when you have the extra 5 minutes to help them out...
we can make a difference! So remember to wear the pink ribbons in October!!! LOVE YA ALL!
BITE ME.... :P

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I KNOW all you skydivers love breasts. And the women you love have them.
So think, during the month of October about how important breast's are. Dig deep and support this cause. Breast Cancer can Kill a woman or take her breasts.
Talk about loving them, then SHOW THE LOVE.
Fly Your Slot !

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Very cool. We've actually got a Breast Cancer Awareness event going on at our DZ this weekend. For every tandem jump made, the DZ donates $20 to Breast Cancer research. Also, some of the jumpers are planning to pay $25/jump with the extra being donated, and at least one of our packers is planning to donate all of his profits for the day to the cause. It should be pretty cool.

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Thank you for the offer for the exam!!! Everyone should be doing a monthly check...yeah that means guys can do it to their girlfriends or spouses. Even a comment being joked around like that one believe it or not helps....might have reminded someone, hey I haven't given myself an exam lately, I should do it. That is the whole point in making everyone aware....with pink ribbons someone may ask you, well what's it for? Bingo that's your shot, your bit of sharing and passing along the awareness torch. Jokes and all... it is all for the cause, for a cure, for life. Me personally it makes me want to live more, think of all the jokes and laughs I'd be missing if I were gone.
BITE ME.... :P

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Thank you Fruce and FFP. This is a very personal subject to a larger number of people then anyone would want it to be. I myself have a mother who survived breast cancer, have had a lump removed myself and we just found out a week ago that it's touched another special person in my life. Everyone do what they can, I certainly will be.
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fruce I am only answering this because you found it in yourself to flame me. I was not in anyway making light of the fact it is a disease that claims many lives each year! Now get off F*ckin high horse and go put some stickers on chix butts. That's about all I have to say! If you don't like what someone has posted IGNORE IT! DuH! I have met and known many people with cancer! I lost a TRUE LOVE To Lymphoma so fuckin do not tell me how damn bad this disease is!! She was only 30!! Now go bitch to someone else!! The post wasn't to you in the first place you pompus bastard! I was just messin with FFP and no where in my post did I type FRUCE!
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yeah that means guys can do it to their girlfriends or spouses

Woohoo!!! *taking notes*

Even a comment being joked around like that one believe it or not helps....might have reminded someone, hey I haven't given myself an exam lately, I should do it.

Yo, Fruce....I dont think that Playmate cared a whole lot. She actually thinks that it might be a good idea. Maybe you and Slappie can delete some posts, eh?? :)--------------
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I myself have a mother who survived breast cancer

Me too Pammi....my mom has gone through numberous operations, radiation, and chemo, but is now 100% cured due to early detection from self-exams and her yearly exam. I am VERY happy that she stayed up on that and got it taken care of ASAP.
Richmond Boogie pics...

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fruce I am only answering this because you found it in yourself to flame me. I was not in anyway making light of the fact it is a disease that claims many lives each year! Now get off F*ckin high horse and go put some stickers on chix butts. That's about all I have to say! If you don't like what someone has posted IGNORE IT! DuH! I have met and known many people with cancer! I lost a TRUE LOVE To Lymphoma so fuckin do not tell me how damn bad this disease is!! She was only 30!! Now go bitch to someone else!! The post wasn't to you in the first place you pompus bastard! I was just messin with FFP and no where in my post did I type FRUCE!

Woa man!!! Harsh!
*mountainman slowly steps back into the crowd*
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Hey, it's all good guys :) We must laugh sometimes and make jokes to deal sometimes. Didn't we have this discussion on the board a few times already? LOL!
Hey I'm always teasing my mom how she's got better tits then me now that she's had the one taken redone, and the other lifted to match! I mean hey, she's 57 and doesn't have to wear a bra...no fair! :)
Love ya guys! And Slappy, I'm so very sorry.
Hemp/skydiving jewelry pics!

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