
The other side of the coin

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Hey, remember the email I got from the guy who flamed me because he didn't like the article on building escape parachutes? Here's the other side of the coin. I get emails like the one below from time to time and it rocks! This gives me a kick.


To: sangiro
Subject: thanks

After a 1.5 years looking for a home, and hanging in the gear store at skydive elsinore, my reflex with amigo 135 reserve found a taker after ONE DAY on your site....I owe you a beer...

Duffy Fainer


Safe swoops

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you wanna know something else thats cool? check out the thread i started "its all mapped out!" and see how helpful all our friends on here have been. without your website id be taking a very lonely 2,500 mile drive... or i might not even be driving there.. THANKYOU!!
"i can not attest to what i did, just what i remember...."
~me, after one too many

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from what im hearing by the time u get her your ASS will be to big to kick my LITTLE ass :-p muhhhhaaaaaaaa
i can tease americans as much as i want , thats why i live on the other side of the world lol :-)
i live my life 14000 ft at a time, nothen else matters, in that 60 seconds or less im free

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oh my... so youve heard about my ever growing ass huh? its only because i cant (legally & safely) drive places with this big cast on my good ole gas foot. I figure between the injury and the drive to AZ theyll have to pry my ass out of the car. but be warned, a few weeks in the desert will definitally bring me back down to size! hahahahaha!!!
seriously though, well definitally have to make plans to meet up.
oh! something for you... go to
and read up... a couple of my friends are participating in the opening ceremonies of the australian X games in december.. ya might want to head out there and check it out.. not sure of where you live though.
"i can not attest to what i did, just what i remember...."
~me, after one too many

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OK, as an outsider who has only been to Skydive Crosskeys once, I can safely say there is nothing wrong with little Kelly's ass!!:D EVERYONE ELSE might have something to worry about! (Damn this just re-affirms what I've always said: women are just way too tough on themselves sometimes!!)
Speed Racer
The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind

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I can safely say there is nothing wrong with little Kelly's ass!

i'm with ya on this one!!!!! i'd take another look and give an update if i was going to be in ohio when she comes by but alas it is probly not ment to be.............

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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here ya go. taken from http:// http://www.ipocskysurf.com/news/whats-new.html
Pauline & Mike will represent Skysurfing in the Planet X summer Extreme games in December this year.
The jumps will be carried out directly over beautiful Sydney Harbour as a pre-promotional stunt to mark the upcoming extreme sports event. Their aim is to capture spectacular photo & video footage for use in the mainstream media promotion of the event, & also to gain val print & TV media exposure for both their
sponsors & the sport of Skydiving. Damien "Damo" Atkinson of Sonic Boom will be joining iPOC Skysurf on the jumps, for the purpose of capturing outside camera footage of the team in action over Sydney.
In addition Mike & Pauline hope to wear extra video cameras fixed to the board & around their body for some extreme angles on these once in a life time jumps over the City.
The jumps will be made at 5.45 am & 11.00 am, on the Monday the 3rd & Tuesday the 4th of December. Landing at Anderson Park, Neutral Bay in Sydney's northern suburbs. Spectators & Media are welcome to attend the landing area to show support for the event & see some really scary landings. If you can't make it for the event, watch out for the 2001 summer games on channel Seven's Planet X TV show, & keep an eye on this site!
"i can not attest to what i did, just what i remember...."
~me, after one too many

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