
Bouncing Boobies

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Not that any of you sods care :)
Ive got a return ticket (still in car/cash form) so im still looking at working at DZ so if anyone out there wants a reliable, organized puntual person look further :)Anyway, peace
PS- Can anyone hook me up with spore syringes (or kits) those who understand need only apply ;) Its not illegal so don't get workked up HH. My email is [email protected].
P.S.S- Has anyone ever tried jumping with snowbaords and landing, cutaway and ride. Just wondering if it could be done (im about to start writing a script)
Rooftops and sunsets, Blue skies black death.
Oh yeah- ummmmm, BOOBIES

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P.S.S- Has anyone ever tried jumping with snowbaords and landing, cutaway and ride. Just wondering if it could be done (im about to start writing a script)

I don't know about cutting away, but a nutzoid french guy actually landed a skyboard in France. There's video of it. He did it susccesfully once. Hit fucked it up on the second try.
He didn't open a parachute. He simply "tracked" his skyboard onto a steep slope. At night. Landed.
Tried it again. Missed.
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
Yahoo IM: ametcalf_1999

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I don't know about cutting away, but a nutzoid french guy actually landed a skyboard in France. There's video of it. He did it susccesfully once. Hit fucked it up on the second try.

Let me guess, he got exceptionally high scores for presentation and artistic interpretation, but not so much for his flair, huh?
Was that sarcasm of Olympic proportion?
I think it was.
Just take it one day at a time, like the drunks do.

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ive benn thinking about trying that someday(far far from now) i was like "well, i ride and i jump. why cant i skyboard and turn it into a paraski event? hmm! would that make us too extremem for the olympics?
getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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