
Reserve repack cycle dates

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Nope Remi... you heard right. It was covered at the USPA General Members meeting last month. It'll be in next months Parachutist as one of the items that the Safety and Training Committee discussed. I wish poeple would at least try and read rec. since some of the BOD actually does post there.....
I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend... ~3EB

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I wish poeple would at least try and read rec. since some of the BOD actually does post there.....

I dont have the massive amounts of time to wade through waist deep shit to find the small amounts of gold that may be mixed in there. Ever since I started student teaching, I have time to come here, read, and post a bit. But searching through there is just not pleasant. Thats not even counting the difficulty of navigating it.
Oh well. I'll stay here at dropzone.com where it is safe. :D
JumpinDuo.com...come and sign the guestbook.

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The FAA updated the part 91 FAR last summer. They were wildly expected to look at reserver repack schedules during this update. They made tons of skydiving related changed, like finally clasifying tandem jumps as non-experimental.
The short story is that for reasons that absolutely nobody understands, they decided that changing the repack schedule was out of scope for that FAR change. So they didn't even address the repack schedule.
The USPA is trying to get the FAA to look into it, but the FAA does move SO slowly...
ICQ: 5578907
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