
Can I be accepted in the skydiving community?

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Catholic bashing seems to be accepted these days because we are perceived as being judgemental

You havnt been to Utah have you....when you live somewhere where 75% (approx)of the population believe in somethiing you are against, you sometimes feel like everyones walking around with a black robe and gavil!!:S.....But I'll stop there ;)....ANyway no worries!!!

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Even if most skydivers don't hold the same beliefs as you, most are open minded enough to have some really interesting discussions and not hold it against you that you don't think the same way as they do. Don't worry, you won't have a problem, but just like in all other walks of life there will be people that you just don't mix well with, for the most part you'll fit in just fine. B| ;)
Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It's probably worth it.

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Don't let some of the crudeness of some of us scare you off. Most skydivers are "Super" people even though some may appear a little rough around the edges. You'll fit in fine. The only other place that I felt such comradery with people was when I was rodeoing. Don't tell anyone but I used to be Catholic myself before I turned into a Heathen. Steve

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