
thinking about trying sky diving

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Im scared I will die or get lost.

Chances are neither will happen and you'll have a great time. Never heard anyone not sure about skydiving for fear of getting lost. You should be more afraid of getting addicted. Seriously though, you don't need to worry about getting lost. It's easy to get back to the airport and even if you land off the airport, you'll know which direction to walk since you just saw the airport from above. Also, most dropzones will send a car out to pick you up. You could do a tandem jump and leave it to the instructior to get you back if you're really worried about it.


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Hi Jenni :)
DO IT .......... It was the best decision I ever made.

The fact that you are here writing about it means that you are already half-way to making the decision for yourself. Thousands of people skydive with very few accidents .. the ones that happen tend to get a lot of coverage ...

You may want to go for a tandem jump first just to make sure you like it before committing yourself to the costs of a course.

Talk to your friend about where they jump and then phone the DZ or go along in person ... You'll find most skydivers will happily explain the options available to you regarding courses etc

Or contact the USPA for more information

Blue skies



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Never heard anyone not sure about skydiving for fear of getting lost. You should be more afraid of getting addicted.

Is there a difference? I'm lost...:S
Hell, I only got in 2 jumps yesterday, and my wife is already sick of hearing me go on and on about them...

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you know I am gonna say the same as anyone else here so "DO IT"
anyway I posted some statistic in the safety thread comparing skydiving to a bunch of other sports. more people drown in their own bathtub on average then the average fatality from skydiving.
go look its in the "worried parent" thread...I'll see if I can figure out how to link it for you!
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Just a question on STATS

As we are skydivers & like "normal" people we have a bath(ok somtimes), drive cars, ride bikes, come into contact with bee's & get stung, swim & so on, surley we are only increasing our odds of something happining.

If you only skydived & never did anything else EVER these STATS could be true, I work on roof's, in trenches, I take a bath(well sometimes) I'm always working off ladders 10 meters plus, I drive to work, smoke & drink oh yea & I also Skydive.

Some stats say it's more dangerous too have a bath & drive to the DZ than jumping.

it deosn't mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.

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well most of us dont do anything but skydive.:P

I guess those stats would be better if they would find out who was a skydiver in all cases!
but I think the purpose of it was to say you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning ythen dying on your first jump. the possibility is still there but the facts are:
if you are a safety minded person and look into your first skydive a little and know something about it you can find a comfortable(place YOU feel is safe) place to jump and reduce those chances.
I have to go look now for that PER 10,000 members statistic.

(but just so you know those 4 basketball players coulda been bitten by bee's or hit by lightning...who knows we cant separate EVERY aspect of safety)
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I know what you are saying, & I agree, BUT

When you leave a plane you are going to die unless you choose to take the appropiate action, the same is not said for taking a bath or riding a bike, this point should be put across as well as how fantastic we feel after freefall.

I take into account that my next dive could be my last (even if I do everything right, shit happens), Please don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking you, but reality has to be there, there's too many people who would risk there lives without knowing the full dangers.
it deosn't mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.

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Hey, Jenni

I was worried about the very same things. And I still worry. But what you will find in the air far surpasses the normal concerns you have.

I DID get lost on my first jump (I did AFF; never did a tandem) - but I also was able to find the dropzone in time to make it to the landing area. I was so stunned that I had done it that I didn't look around, and when I did, man, I was too scared to turn around...LOL, very funny now, but not too funny then. But the truth is I was able to make it back.

I would suggest two things:
a) you do this for yourself - not because someone tells you about it, but for you and your own experience; and
b) do a tandem for the first time. If I have any regrets about jumping, it was NOT doing a tandem first. It takes the pressure off - there's an experienced jumper strapped to you, who wants to make it back down, too, and who is experienced in figuring out winds, handling problems, and whatnot. It does take the pressure off you - you are along for the ride, and so you can experience the whole thing.

OH! and get video - because even if you don't get hooked into this incredible thing we do, you will always have proof of the moment you accomplished something millions of people dream about, but haven't the courage to try: flying your body through the bright blue...free...for a brief and endless moment you lived on the edge...outside the box, in a totally different world than you have ever known.

Ciels and Pinks-

~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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When you leave a plane you are going to die unless you choose to take the appropiate action, the same is not said for taking a bath or riding a bike, this point should be put across as well as how fantastic we feel after freefall

Good Point!
I also think though that, even though the same is not true with most other sports, You can get hurt/killed in any sport or daily activity if you are not aware of the dangers around you.

some times even though you know and prepare for those situation Murphy is just around the corner waiting to invoke his law!

my piont is, to some people those statistics would make them think "well why take the extra risk?"
whereas to some people(ME) those statistics show.."someday you are gonna die. stop being afraid to experience life before you lose it." that is just my philisophy. I can see how two way of thinking can be aroused at this I guess the only thing we can do Is present the infomation to someone and let them decideB|. unfortunately we cant change the way a person thinks.(I've tried;))

Jenni, I hope this conversation is helping you make up your mind.(whichever way you decide to go)
but I just want to you be clear that these are not flame wars that steve and I are having.
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"Jenni, I hope this conversation is helping you make up your mind.(whichever way you decide to go)
but I just want to you be clear that these are not flame wars that steve and I are having."


The best thing about this sport is that you can question others without shame, listen, take on board what they say, it may work for you, it may not, think for yourself.

RULE No 1 : If you have any questions just before you get onto the plane, your not ready.

When your ready, it's one hell of a kick ass ride, you'll never go back to "normal" life.

Blues, Squares & tip toe landings
it deosn't mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.

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I try to explain the fact the when I did my first skydive. something haapened. I did not land on the same planet! seriously. life seemed so different when I jumped out of the door for the first time(then every time after)
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