
pilot chute

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Does it really matter how it is folded? ( as long as it is cocked ,of course) Being the weakling that I am I have to roll mine so it comes out very easy (This would also depend on how taunt your pouch is. Mine is taunt.) I was shown a new way in which you grab some of the bridle, bunch it up , take the piolt chute crunch it up and shove it in.......So my question again does it matter as long as it is cocked? (Im only refering to the botom of the rig when it is ready to be folded and put in the pouch, Im NOT refering to how to route it I know that must be done a certain way.( Im only doing RW mainly belly flying if this is a factor and I think it is).
Thanks for any advice

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Don't have it loosened... it needs to be tight to stay in the pouch even if the BOC gets hit in a funnel or freeflying. Just learn how to shove it in easier.You may have to lift up on the BOC then slide it in only an ich at a time until its all the way in but having a tight BOC is a requirement for freeflying or jumping in general.
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I don't have your pouch loosened is a good idea. Here is an alternative. Most people fold their pc like this. Lay it out, fold 1/2 moon over the other. Bring in the sides 1/3 of the way. Fold in 1/2 again. This now looks like a little square. A common problem is this: When trying to pull, the corners snag a little on the pouch giving a harder pull. To get around this: When you have the square shape, I fold the corners near the hackey in. Then, I roll each side towards the middle like usual. However, the top near the hackey is a point, not a squared-off end. I find it slides quite nicely.
However, the best idea is to ask the rigger at your dz, they are generally happy to help people out with this type of advice.

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I use a variant of Brian's anti-horseshoe fold and it works great. The PC comes out easily using the handle or by pulling on the bridle (without bunching or knotting) but not so easy that I have to worry about it.

What I do different is that I fold it in half then pull the mesh to the edge. Everything else is the same.

Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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When I rolled mine up like a hot dog it came out so easy but most jumpers do not approve of this method.
After I make sure it is cocked I lay it out with one piece of bridle going striaght down the middle. Then I fold it down like a half moon. I then I take some more bridle and fold it striaght in the middle two long layers and a last short fold. I take the pilot chute and fold the half moon shape corners and place the ends on top of the bridle on the middle. This looks like a dress. I then roll one side to the middle then the other side to the middle ( very tight). Its ready to stick in and it pullss out VERY easy.

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