
mr. Bill!

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does anyone know what this jump is?
I found out today and we tried it. I was the DEPLOYER. (open high)
the hanger-on wasnt able to hold due the the way I opened....I waited til we were about 1.5 secind speed....
after you guys figure out WTF a MR bill (I'm sure its not as obscure as I thought is was)is I will fill you in on the story!:S;)
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yea that's about it!;)

we had Ryan film it from the door. so we got it on video...so it DID happen HAHa!;)

I dumped in a not-so-stable position I felt the bag hit my leg...NOt a cool feellin' All I thought was"wrap"
at 12,000ft I wouldnt care If I was wrapped (horse-shoed)B/c I would have time to cut it off!
but I thought I just screwed ken(the hanger-on) Over! but as soon as I said"fuck" I felt us slow and start opening...then as we fully opened {{{RIP}}}
ken was ripped away by gravity!:P
it was fun but I think we will practice the exit a few times first!

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does anyone know what this jump is

hang on a guy/girl pull and still hang on.then the passenger goes to freefall again.wery funny.Easy way to do it is to talk to a tandemmarster.Take the passenger hardness on the wrong way(belly to belly),be sure of all handles.Then you can go as you want.Be aware that the gear aint made to loos in the air(the topper).it took us aprox 300m/900ft under the tandem cannopi to unrealse me.Alot fun,you can climp up to hes shoulders and just fall off there.Rember video,its fun looking,even while you could get called gayB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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haha yea When i was describe to me I was like..."so, your head should bve abou there *held my hand just above my Grion.

by the time we started slowing down I was holding on to ken trying to help him with his grip but....{{{rip}}}
I was worried that his fingers were still with me HAHAHAH!
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onse i saw lost his alti while he couldnt hold on..(expencive jump huh?)
Try it on a freind who is a tandem marster.Dont know in US,but in DK it just were a Jackass jump.The only cost were that i payed the master for his jump and a repack,anyway he gave a beer at the end of the day:ph34r:

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Have done two and been the anchor man for quite a few others.
The best one was when I got off at 7000ft
and did a swallow dive down to 3500ft.
The way we did them was to static line the canopy.
(anchor man holds onto pilot chute)
and the mister bill rolls out of the door.
That way the pilot can hold onto you

it still nearly tears your arms of though


Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed.
Michael Pritchard.

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thats cool! I heard about the tandem rig but then it sucks to try to lose alti when there is one person under a 288 sq ft main....talk about being tired/exhausted! I was sore after a 9,500ft decent on a 210 main.
I would try it again but not with out some practice exits!
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jt: I was witness to a Mr. Bill being LANDED last March!!!!! Crazy!!!! :o

It wasn't the prettest of landings, either. :D I also met a guy at the small little Beeville DZ who has done plenty of Bills and landed one. (I can't believe why anyone would do this..... okay nevermind yes I can).

Where's your friend??!?!?!?!? :ph34r:

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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I've tried this twice - and got kicked in the face pretty hard on the 2nd attempt (and it still didn't work!), so that kinda scared me away from it... But it does sound like fun, and I might try it again if I thought I could do it right!

And Mr. Bill was one of my favorite SNL characters as a kid! :o:)

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