
finally had to cutaway

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I recently had a bad case of baglock. My girlfriend was just trying to move too quick too fast and I just decided to cutaway. All my finals are over and I know I should be happy, but I'm not. It's only Tuesday and I have to wait till Saturday!!!

I thought of the odds of me succeeding, versus the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid, and I went ahead anyway.

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I met a real cute waitress at CB Potts today at lunch in Westminster. I asked her if she'd be interested in jumping, but she had your typical whuffo response. But there's an outside chance that I can convince her to go for a scenic flight with me (first over Denver and then maybe in the mountains). So who knows, if I was to get her comfortable being in the air, then maybe sometime down the road she'd be up for a jump. But I'm getting way ahead of myself here. :)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Hey Steve, I finally took teh block off my AOL instant messenger, so Canadians are allowed to IM me now... eraumasci...

Freefly god, Peter....

Maybe another time, I'm off to bed soon. I spent the whole afternoon at CB Potts with a work colleague (in trouble with the law for hacking into another companies computer) and we got drunk (while he explained to me how his shit worked). Then I played a hockey game tonight. So I'm tired and need some beauty sleep.

BTW ... I got your other messages about you and Nick heading to Chicago and yes once Jeff gets his Otter, it will be time to bug him about a skyvan. In fact by that time I should have paid my dues at the DZ, so I could also bug Jeff about a Skyvan.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Should have called me. We were over at Uno's at 92nd and Sheridan ($1.75 bigass beers, all day, every day...) BTW, if anyone asks, I was studying at Uno's.... Nick and I were over at that CBPotts with a couple honeys from TGIFridays the other night...

And it's never too early to start teasing Jeff...

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, beer is good....

Getting banned isn't that bad......

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Well if you've been to CBPotts, then maybe you've seen this cutie I talk of. Her name is Laura and she's in her mid 20s with mid-length blonde hair and an awesome smile. Apparently she's kind of a wild tom-boyish sort of girl, but she needs some encouragment/help to shed her whuffo skin. And as I said if I could get her up in the air on a scenic flight with me, then maybe I could bring her around. Lot's of ifs though.

Anyway, I'm out of here (beauty sleep time) ... talk about hijacking this thread. :P

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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We'll meet up with you over there with Nick, and he'll walk in with his checkbook and those stupid tandem pamphlets that they give away over at the cash register in manifest. Then Nick will start asking her if she wants to skydive, and then pull out on of those pamphlets out, and try to score... Trust me, its worth the price of admission, not to say that I don't pull out the skydiver card when it is potentially going to get me laid also... ;)

Getting banned isn't that bad......

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I did the same thing 4 months ago.. sucks big time wish things were different but they aren't, i'm trying to remain friends with her - took her a while to adjust to that but i think we're doing good now.

You'll probably start frequenting all the boobie posts much more now.


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I met a real cute waitress at CB Potts today

Uh huh?

***So who knows.....maybe sometime down the road she'd be up for a jump. I'm getting way ahead of myself here. ***

.....yeah.......u r buddy;)

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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