Ever heard of Ann Coulter?

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Recently read her new book, "Slander", (a great follow-up to "High crimes and misdemeanors") and I think I'm in love! This woman is extremely intelligent. She's an attorney (and obviously an author) with serious conservative views.

It also helps that she just shredded James Carvilles ass on national television (in an interview and abbreviated debate of sorts), and she's HOT to boot!

Now to decide...is it love, or lust? :ph34r:


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Seriously, Ann Coulter is such a loony that the National review gave her the axe. She also said of Arabs that we should "kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity" in a syndicated column. She is a dissembler and a clown. On the other hand, she is more attractive than most Republican women.

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best book ever.... Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon

not at all conservative

more like the movie Brazil, but strangely-not

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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On the other hand, she is more attractive than most Republican women

Hmmm. I never realized that party affiliation was indicative of ones beauty. Thanks for the enlightenment. :S

Also, I've never put much stock in anything the national review had to say. I'll admit, "slander" does get a bit tiresome toward the end. However, her positions are thoroughly reasearched (with cited sources) and difficult to ignore.

The book provided many belly laughs, and the occasional thought that hey, maybe not everyone thinks that a blowjob isn't sex!


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She's a female version of Rush Limbaugh, a right winger who enjoys baiting left wingers (and makes good money at it, too.) I take her about as seriously as I take Rush, which is to say as entertainment, nothing more. Some quotes from her:

"I . . .take joy in liberal attacks. It’s like coffee. I mean, usually when I write up a column, I know what’s going to drive them crazy. I know when I’m baiting them, it’s so easy to bait them and they always bite."

"We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors.

"God says, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.' "

"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building." (And yes, the context here is that she does _not_ regret the act of terrorism in Oklahoma City, she just regrets that more liberal reporters were not killed.)

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first hundred pages are about a v2 bomb blowing up a theatre, and a painfully slow play by play of the last second of existance.

enter Tyrone Slothrop, who's an american attache in england, and it seems wherever he gets laid a v2 explodes there very shortly therafter..
in his shared office floor someone notices his map, where he pins all his forrays into the arms of english hotties, someone makes the corralation between his sex and the explosions so they start to plant women in his path to study the relationship.. moves along into paranoia, secret organizations, big brother all this shit... Tyrone starts to realize somthing is afoot and hit's the road, yet he can't seem to shake the powers that be that appear to be doin all kinds of nig noggery to him... enter a slew of really interesting characters that develop and develop...books around 1800 pages....

pick it up and sell it to me on ebay when you're done, I havnt read it for over 3 years. Timothy Leary, Wynonna's unlce, read it in prison. read that blurb and picked it up on a whim. glad i did.. it should be a required read in sr high or college.
havn't read Slow learner yet. on to do list

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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"kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity

PS- please cite sources.


She's a freak. Even conservatives are generally embarrassed by her.

Everyone seems to shun her but

Hillary claimed preposterously in the Talk magazine interview that she discussed policy with Bill while cutting his grapefruit in the morning.

that was enough for a chuckle, I gotta think that after ole slick Willy got busted with the intern he probably tried to keep the cutting utensils far away from Mrs. Rodham-Clinton;)

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building." (And yes, the context here is that she does _not_ regret the act of terrorism in Oklahoma City, she just regrets that more liberal reporters were not killed.)

While I do agree that the statement is poorly worded, I don't for an instant believe that she was condoning the bombing. Sounds to me as if she would've rather saw the "Times" building blown up.

At any rate, this statement doesn't bother me near as much as Clinton blaming "conservative talk radio" for the bombing.


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>While I do agree that the statement is poorly worded, I don't for an
>instant believe that she was condoning the bombing. Sounds to me as if
>she would've rather saw the "Times" building blown up.

I took it to mean that she would rather have seen reporters killed than the people in the Oklahoma City building. Imagine had Gore said that he only wished that the 9/11 hijackers had taken out the White House instead of the Twin Towers.

>At any rate, this statement doesn't bother me near as much as Clinton blaming
> "conservative talk radio" for the bombing.

What was his quote?

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What was his quote?

In an address to the American association of Community Colleges, April 24,1995 Clinton blamed "loud and angry voices heard over the airwavesin America" that were making people "paranoid" and spreading "hate".

Dan Rather and Rita Braver, "Clinton urges Americans to stand against violent bahavior and speech," CBS evening News April 24, 1995. Dan Rather states: "President Clinton named no names, but made it clear who's talking that talk."

Bryant Gumbel, Today, April 25 1995. Gumbel states: " The bombing in Oaklahoma City has focused renewed attention on the rhetoric that's been coming from the right....Right wing talk-show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Bob Grant, Oliver North, G. Gordon Liddy, Michael Reagan, and others take to the air every day with basically the same format: detail a problem, blame the government or a group and invite invective from like-minded people. Never do most of the radio hosts encourage outright violence, but the extent to which their attitudes may embolden and encourage some extremists has clearly become an issue."

Clearly, Rather and Gumbel knew who then President Clinton referred to, as did the rest of the nation.


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Wasn't Ann Coulter the one who tried to revive the already-milked-to-death Clinton/Lewinski scandal? Trying to blame the Enron scandal on Clinton's blowjob was really ridiculous.
Ann Coulter is an example of someone who can think of nothing in the universe that doesn't revolve around her political beliefs. They take their political party loyalties/attitudes so far that they lose any kind of normal perspective on the world. I know "liberals" who are guilty of the same kind of mentality.

(This is why I am a registered Independent.)
Speed Racer

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Wasn't Ann Coulter the one who tried to revive the already-milked-to-death Clinton/Lewinski scandal? Trying to blame the Enron scandal on Clinton's blowjob was really ridiculous

I'm honestly not sure, Terry. I really don't know a lot about the woman, just that I've enjoyed her books and the few interviews I've seen. I know that she can sure get James Carville's panties in a bunch, and that alone is enough to make me like her.

As with most political pundits though, I don't believe everything she says, and my views don't always mirror hers. I do give her credit for being tenacious. She will debate with the best, and argues her points with alacrity.


Ann Coulter is an example of someone who can think of nothing in the universe that doesn't revolve around her political beliefs.

That not a new concept Terry, it's how we wound up with political parties to begin with.


They take their political party loyalties/attitudes so far that they lose any kind of normal perspective on the world

Who's world...yours, or hers? Different worlds require different perspectives.


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Who's world...yours, or hers?

it doesn't matter.

Different worlds require different perspectives.

my point exactly. and different events in the world require different approaches.

One other example of this type of thinking: The Lewinski story broke in January 1998. At that time Clinton was about to go to the middle east to help negotiate a deal between the Israelis & Palestinians. A conspiracy theory broke out among the Palestinians that the whole lewinski scandal was a secret attempt by the Israelis to keep Clinton from coming there & negotiating a deal that might give land to the Palestinians. Proof? Well, Monica Lewinski is Jewish.

This is what I'm talking about. Some people have one political agenda in mind & are so obsessed with it that EVERYTHING that happens in the entire universe has to be related to it.

Ann Coulter's basically said that Clinton was to blame for the Enron scandal & others like it. Her argument was that his lying about the blowjob set up a climate of dishonesty, and that influenced the execs at Enron to fudge their books.

Of course, corporate CEOs have always had hearts as pure as the driven slush-er, snow, that is, until Clinton corrupted him. The idea that corporations would actually lie & screw with their numbers to make a profit was previously unthinkable!!:o That darn Clinton boy was just a bad influence!!
Speed Racer

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it doesn't matter.

Ah, but it most assuredly does! Different world, different means, different tax bracket, hence different political views and concerns.


This is what I'm talking about. Some people have one political agenda in mind & are so obsessed with it that EVERYTHING that happens in the entire universe has to be related to it.

Except that your example was of a conspiracy theory, not a political agenda.(one that started with one litle blowjob, no-less.:ph34r:)

I think blaming Enron on clinton is stretching it. Even if he wasn't their role model, they (corperate america) would screw us.


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