
fair price for gear? used.

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what do you think. Javelin Oddessey w/sabre 2 150 and a cypress. asking 4000$ I said to stiff. contemplating a counter offer.

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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How many jumps? DOM on the main? How many rides has the reserve had? DOM on the reserve? how old is the cypress?

Lots of questions...Keep in mind the container alone new is $1500 or better....
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How many jumps on the container? The main? You didn't mention a reserve; if one is not included then the price is way too high, if one is included what is it and how many jumps on it? Terminal or subterminal openings? What's the date of manufacture on each item? Does the Cypres need batteries or a four/eight year check? Where was the gear primarily jumped? What options are on the container - harness rings, kill line main pc, hacky, pinstripes?

For comparison, a new Odyssey with harness rings, kill line p/c, hacky (or freefly pud) and pinstripes on the main flap and around the poptop is over $1500. A new Sabre2 150 is about $1400. A new PD143 is over $800. A new Cypres is around $900. Total would be around $4700 - and that's figuring a 25% discount off list price on the container base price and on both canopies.

$4000 isn't bad if the gear has less than 100 jumps on it and everything is a year or so old.

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vector 3 v348 DOM 11/01 approx 100 jumps, sabre 2170 dom 8/01 approx 100 jumps, cypress DOM 05/01 never fired, swift reserve 177 DOM 03/84 no jumps

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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Four grand for that rig is overpriced, imho. The container is worth around $800 - $900 depending on how it's optioned. Main about $1100. Cypres will need batteries in four months; around $750. The reserve I wouldn't pay more than $200 - $300 for - it's over 15 years old after all - and due to it's age I wouldn't suggest that reserve if your exit weight is over 180 pounds, and I wouldn't freefly with that reserve on my back, period. $3000 tops.

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Stay away from that reserve man. It's a 5-cell. I wouldn't use that thing if they paid me to do it. It's your life. 19 year old 5-cell reserves are not the way to prolong it. Of course, if it passes rigger inspection it's ok. I guess it's just your comfort level. All I know is that it's way beyond mine.

Just my .02 cents, I'm not the most experienced jumper on the block here. If Clay was here he'd tell you about it, he had one of those, never used it though.

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Don't do it! Sounds like a rip-off. There are amazing deals out there if you can find them. No sense in paying 4 g's for that crap, especially since you'll probably want to downsize in a year or two. Yeah, and that reserve sounds like garbage too. It would probably save your ass if you needed it, but you've got to consider resale value. I wouldn't put it in my rig if you gave it to me.

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