
Mr. Rogers has left the neigborhood

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I greatly loved him. He was so full of integrity and honor. You never ever heard of him in a scandalous way, like Michael Jackson, some priests that will remain nameless, etc.

A good friend of mine, an ex-Marine, has always had Mr. Rodgers as a hero. For Christmas this year my wife and I and my friend's brother got together and wrote a letter to Mr. Rodgers to tell him what an inspiration he has been to my friend and to ask for a signed picture as a Christmas present. Not only did he send an 8x10 personally signed, he wrote a VERY gracious letter to my friend as well!! My friend just wept. It was such a wonderful thing.

we'll miss you Fred,

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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I watched Mr. Rogers from the first season (1968) until I "outgrew" him. I remember watching him again later just for fun, as an adult. I always experienced him as being very genuine.

I heard an old interview with him on NPR this morning, defending himself against comments that he came off as being a wimp. Funny how I never looked at him that way, and judging by the replies in this thread, neither did you all.

Rest easy, old friend . . .

Mr. Rogers on NPR



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I remember watching him again later just for fun, as an adult.

Glad I'm not the only one:$

Seriously, I think the saddest thing is that there will never EVER be a replacement for Mr. Rogers, for reasons any intelligent person will know. As much as I can't stand TV now, he was certainly in a league of his own. I guess I never realized how fortunate, until now, I was to be glued to the set watching him when I was just a little carpet crawler.


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Mr. Rogers kicked Captain Kangaroos Ass God, I loved that show growing up watched it everyday. However now that Im older Ive seen it a few times and dont get how I could actually have sat thru it thru the entire show but hey its a good kids show. I am trying to remember but I believe the ones I grew up watching was Mr. Rogers, Lambchops, Captain Kangaroo, Picture Pages with Bill Cosby, Reading Rainbow, and Im sure there were more but my brains too fried to remember right now.:S
- GQ

... it was the love of the air and sky and flying, the lure of adventure, the appreciation of beauty ...
-Charles Lindberg

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