
Well, I Guess...........

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Evidently iraq is not the only country in possession of "weapons of mass destruction" watching this unfold is definitely "shocking, and aweFUL" 5 million humans live in Baghdad, how many will die? it is my hope, that when this is over, our thirst for blood is quenched. i don't have the stomach for this. my own son crossed the border just this morning headed to the city. god bless our troops, and innocent civilians, and protect them from harm.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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good vibes to you, and on behalf of every American weather or not they would say it themselves, we appreciate it!!!!!

A good friend will bail you outta jail... A true friend will be sitting next to you saying "That was fucking awesome!!!'

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Evidently iraq is not the only country in possession of "weapons of mass destruction" watching this unfold is definitely "shocking, and aweFUL" 5 million humans live in Baghdad, how many will die? it is my hope, that when this is over, our thirst for blood is quenched. i don't have the stomach for this.

How can you say that. Have you not been watching how careful the US and the 45 others joining us have been. I say we have been better to SH's people than SH has.


my own son crossed the border just this morning headed to the city. god bless our troops, and innocent civilians, and protect them from harm.

I hope so, care to tell us what unit he's in? and a addy or e mail to send a note of thanks

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yeah, why don't i just give his coridinates out? like i know them. he knows of you guys, and should he want to be contacted by you, he will let you know. what he does tell me is very limited, after all, i'm a civilian, never mind i'm his father. and generally just a short e-mail message sent from his cell phone. he sent me a short e-mail right before the tanks rolled accross the border this morning. (my time is 9 hours ahead of CST US) i'll be sure and tell him you appreciate his efforts, although you and i have very different perspectives on this issue. yeah, i've seen some very careful bombing. you have children, any in the armed forces? the 101st airborne division just landed, although the reporter can't divulge their location, dammit! i bet you'd have a different attitude if you were here, instead of there. "armchiar quaterbacking" is real easy.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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