
Berlin 1989 / Baghdad 2003 - Look Familiar!?

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Check out this comparison between Berlin in 1989 and Baghdad in 2003!!!
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."


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I remember Berlin, I will remember Baghdad. Too bad many seem to have forgotten.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Yes, but you didn't have to bomb Berlin for the changes to occur. At least not in '89.;)

We did destroy their economies though...not as violent...almost as devastating...
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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the american fucktoy..er.... taxpayer

Though i'm sure all the extra profit the oil companies will get from easier access & keeping prices the same will trickle down to the rest of us just fine and it'll all be a wash.... trickle down worked for regan, right?

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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Check out this comparison between Berlin in 1989 and Baghdad in 2003!!!

And the similarity is...?

I was in Berlin during the "Winds of Change" (unashamed Scorpions plug). That was a revolution by the people, for the people, and with the effective acquiescence of both the domestic DDR government and the controlling superpower (for which Mikhael Gorbachev should surely receive a recurring Nobel Peace Prize).

The fundamental difference was that there was NO invading army imposing change in the DDR.

I am and always have been pro intervention in Iraq. I believe that the history as written in 50 years time WILL prove Bush & Blair to have been right in their actions. I also accept that the coalition forces have gone through Iraq like the proverbial knife through butter (or even the proverbial German regiment through the French Army:D), But I will not compare the fall of Iraq to the fall of any country in Eastern Europe (with the obvious exception of Serbia under Milosovich).

IN Poland, Hungary, East Germany, The Czech republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria, Romania, many of the states of the former yugoslavia, the will of the people was made manifest and was heard. The peoples of that country were the authors and the heroes of their revolution. In Iraq an external force imposed a liberation.


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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