
The run down ~ Hollister May 17th, 18th...

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Who had to chop??

Well, it wasn't so much "Who *had* to chop"... it was kinda done on his behalf by somebody else...

the anvil landed under his reserve with his main in his container, it was chopped prior to deployment, as to "who" actual chopped it, well we'll leave that until it is posted in the incidents forum as it seems to be a sensitive subject.

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Yeah Renaud! Thanks dude! Peter too! And of course to the great Sebazz......and Deuce for the awesome pics.

Speaking of pix, here are a couple showing how close I came to the freebag...

Edit: Remember this is an ultra-wide angle lens.

I caught Carol's once in Marina, more luck than skill.

If you don't believe me, ask me.



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about that video which should stay classified, any chance of seeing it...?
now that we are members of that exclusive pen club

And let me just say thanks to everybody there!!!!
i 'm very new to the sport, and i had the best time, you guys definetly know how to make somebody feel welcome.

I am sending a copy of it to Seb and Kaweh. Ask them about it
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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I've decided not to post anything else on the matter regarding the incident. You guys do it on your own. Everybody thinks I pulled Vinnies (TheAnvil's) cutaway when the exit funneled on our second record attempt this weekend. Here is a pic attached that shows my hand on the pillow. Anyway after I noticed the cutaway handle fly by me and noticed it was TheAnvil's, I quickly grabbed him and waved everybody off. I made sure that the airspace above him and around him was clear and indicated to him that he would need to go straight to silver. He understood and everybody made it the ground safely...

Regardless if I did it or not I offered to pay Vinnie for half the reserve repack and half the cost of his handle because of the grief I have received. And the grief poured on by some has been pretty overboard. To the point where I am questioning some of my friendships at the DZ. People can be such pricks sometimes. This was not an incident of poor judgement or carelessness.

If you do something stupid because of ignorance or poor judgement then whatever, tease them, laugh at them, whatever floats your boat, teach em a lesson by making people feel bad I guess...

But if you're not sure what happened, like something that happened Sunday where there was no carelessness or ignorance. Just an incident that nobody really knows what happened. The situation was dealt with properly. That should be that.

I could mention quite a few stupid things that people have done in these forums. I don't. You see me riding anyone about how they can't exit a fuckin plane? So stfu...

And what I did was not stupid. It was an accident I'm not really sure I am responsible for but I took responsibility anyway. Cause of some of you fuckers out there riding me so hard. So whatever...

P.S. ~ I'm not really that mad... Just kind of annoyed.



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Nobody is saying it was intentional or careless. Nobody is questioning your skills or sense of responsibility. It was absolutely an accident. Nobody questions that.

All you're getting is normal ribbing for "shit that happened". It'll pass. If somebody had gotten hurt, there would be no kidding around, but it still wouldn't have been your fault. This has happened before and it will happen again.

Love you, man.



If you don't believe me, ask me.

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A lot of things have been said, negative and positive, about our incident on Sunday.

I personally think that we all need to take the position that in the heat of the moment there are only certain actions any one skydiver can make. Some are correct and of course some are wrong.

After watching the video(s), there is NO conclusive evidence that Seb, nor anyone else did anything incorrectly. Yes, his hand was on Vinny's pillow during one still shot, that doesn't mean he pulled it. But if ACCIDENTALLY it got pulled during the funnel, it of course was not intentional, by whom ever did it.. A little ribbing after the fact is understandable but it DOES need to stop.

Seb has all but admitted guilt by association due to the video. WE all know that Seb is the SHIT when it comes to skydiving and also, as far as I'm concerned, admitting guilt when it his to admit.

We also know that when you are a professional skydiver you open yourself up to criticism from others.

I'm VERY surprised I haven't been criticized HEAVLY for my shortcomings over the 20 years I've been jumping nor the 3 1/2 years I’ve owned ACSI.

We ALL have something to contribute.

I for one, as I believe Seb is as well, am MORE than willing to listen to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

I do not agree with excessive ribbing or cutting down of ones skills or judgement.

If either my father or mother were alive I would have JR take one and Seb the other... I would want to time it so I could see them both in freefall!!

I love you all and want to see us spend as much quality time together as possible.

Tim Sayre

p.s. When asked last Sunday I stated I am a member and do look at the posts at dz.com but you would probably not see many posts due to politics of owning a DZ and putting ones thoughts online. I thought in this case that a response was necessary.

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