
Roger on the radio

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For those of you who listen to sports talk radio, Jim Rome just made a reference to Roger on his talk show, "The Jungle". I am listening at work and I will make a serious attempt to catch the segment so I can post what he says. I am quite sure it will be negative.

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Fucking whuffo asshole. The segment mainly focused on the number of fatalities at SDC with no mention of the amount of jumps that occur there. Rome said his family and friends should have seen it coming because the place was obviously not safe. While it was obvious that he had no idea what he was talking about, I am nonetheless enlightened. I must have had a million laughs listening to this show over the years and laughed even harder when people would call or email all worked up over what Rome was saying. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, it is not comfortable. I really need to shut off the talk radio, the nightly news and the internet and just heal.

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All this negative media crap will die down quickly, since it's no fun to attack someone who doesn't fight back. We just need to wait it out, and support each other.

Roger was the most safety conscious skydiver I've ever known.

I used to wholeheartedly subscribe to the theory that we, as a community, should remain as transparent as possible because there is no possible way whuffos will ever be able to understand us. I have been considering that opinion this week and I truely hope the media part of this is over quickly. If it is not, maybe another approach would better serve us.

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This was my e-mail to Jim.

It is a shame that you carry so much negativity in your life that you cannot speak well of a person even in death. You must be so proud of yourself for the pain that you intentionally brought to the children, family and friends of Roger Nelson before he could even be buried. I pray that someone will not treat your wife, Janet and son, Jake this way when you pass. I hope that people will speak of the good in you and not beat your dead body further into the ground. I pray that someone does not come up to your son, Jake and tell him how you hurt so many people needlessly. What did you possibly think that you could gain by hurting so many people? As for the side of Roger that you failed to tell your listeners, I will. This was a man that was a loving father, Christian and friend. He had turned his life around and had given back 100 times the good will that the average person does. He was active in his community and would give the shirt off of his back to help you. You could not be around Roger and not smile, for he sought to bring out the best in you.

Mike Forsythe

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