
Skydive Chicago / Lawsuits

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to mars?

I was thinking more along the lines of a country where: lawyers may not take a case on contingency, and where people bringing frivolous suits are made to pay the expenses of the defendants.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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lawyers may not take a case on contingency, and where people bringing frivolous suits are made to pay the expenses of the defendants

I think taking cases on contingency is a necessary evil to allow those of us that can't afford to pay thousands of $$ up front when we have been screwed. Kinda balances out.

I agree with the second part, 100%. Trying to define frivolous can be tough though.
illegible usually

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lawyers may not take a case on contingency, and where people bringing frivolous suits are made to pay the expenses of the defendants

I think taking cases on contingency is a necessary evil to allow those of us that can't afford to pay thousands of $$ up front when we have been screwed. Kinda balances out.

I agree with the second part, 100%. Trying to define frivolous can be tough though.

For $100 a case, I would arbitrate; all decisions final in 30 minutes or less.;)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Does SDC have prop warning signs posted?

Well, it was night and part of her lawsuit, according to the newspaper accounts, is that the area wasn't lit properly.

So, I'm assuming she had never been there before during the day?

cant tell from the article if she walked into the prop of the plane she got out of or another one?? still not much excuse for anyone whos been on an airfield once in their life not to know what moves aircraft around, day or night..

i guess theres no help for those that assume the loud spinning blades that kept you flying all day just disappear at night??:S
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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[replyI was thinking more along the lines of a country where: lawyers may not take a case on contingency, and where people bringing frivolous suits are made to pay the expenses of the defendants.

If lawyers couldn't take a case on a contingency, there'd be a lot of people without lawyers and cases where the lawyers would get every dollar.
As for bringing frivolous lawsuits, in the country of Florida:P, the prevailing party is generally entitled to recover their costs (not attorney's fees) from the losing party. Under some circumstances including a frivolous case, they may also be entitled to attorney's fees.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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