
Aggieland SummerJam Photos

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OK fine...so I had the death grip on ya but actually my goggles cracked and the wind was whipping in and DRIVING ME NUTS. I was hoping to just "feel" our exit and not concentrate so hard on seeing what was going on....maybe that is why I had the death grip. Next time you just fly my happy ass all the way down to break off....I'll keep my eyes open....maybe!

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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I bet Sebazz kicks him out of California in a month and he has to come back to us!

Who knows maybe when the local authorities find out I am harboring a Texan in my home we might both get kicked out and both come out back to TX...:D

By the way Seb, you are comming to the AOT Boogie this year with me. I am finally taking you to TEXAS!
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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AAAAHHHHHH...I've unpacked and searched all the dirty laundry...............MY VISOR IS GONE - MY VISOR IS GONE! If anyone finds my Bafish chick visor, please make sure it goes to a girl who will appreciate it :)).

I had fun with it this weekend and just assume in the commotion of saying goodbye on Sunday that I sat it down and forgot it.


I need comforting - PM.....PM......PM......:)

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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****sunny dee doing the happy dance around her room in her PJ's**********

Thanks Kathy...no rush, although if it is coming with a CD of pictures as well, Wednesday would be super duper. So that is where my sunglasses are...good thing I screwed my head on after that last load!
Let me know about shipping, would be more than happy to pay ya back.


Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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She JUST NOW cracked you up? :P

STFU SkymonkeyOne. :S

SoAnyway- Treeman was there? I was about to get pissed seeing somebody fly HD with a top mount. But then that was HIM!! He'z a trip ...

Speaking of HIM, HIM..... I can hear the cans clicking right now!! How about that second wave shot!! Whoo Hoooo, so glad that is on film- Now, think about that in like October - Thank You!!! And those tiny little sprays... then SWoooSH... Jeemminey Criiketz, I have never been that cold.
Always, a great time!!!



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Yup, crazy Treeman was there in full form. B|

I could tell ya some stories on that man, Dear Lord!!! But then lotza people around these parts could -:o-

Be afraid, be very afraid.... and hide your women..
;););) Jokin around here folks, nothing to see here... keep on reading ... moving right along....


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Just a few more Pics from Friday Night

Wanted to say a great big thanks to Todd and Kathy for their hospitality and a kick ass boogie and thanks to all the gang who helped organize and turned up to make this past weekend one of the best times I’ve had in a long time. Too many names to mention but thanks Y’all, ya rock.

If anyone wants a copy of any of the pics let me know I can email higher resolution copies.







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Good stuff everyone......keep them coming. We need to find Perry and talk him into sharing his stuff....hee hee :P I know he was good about sneaking those "unplanned" type pictures and THOSE are normally the BEST. WHERE IS PERRY?

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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I have already been to the gym and am at work ready to go....My days start early as to why I tend to peter out early. I am soooooo tired from this weekend but some fat burners and an hour on the treadmill can wake anyone up.....Hope to see lots more pictures in the next few days.

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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i tried to take a few off with the picture gear lite software. worked in the past but now the computer can't talk to the camera. maybe the card is loose inside. i have some good ones if i could just get it to work[:/]


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