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Riddler is now a coach!

Woohoo! :P

Special thanks to skr and mustard, who helped me learn to belly-fly and patiently answered ALL my questions (there's a reason they call me Riddler, ya know :)).

Now, for a list of Frequently Asked Questions, and my normal responses to students:

Q: Riddler, why is your hair blue?
A: When you go head-down without a helmet, the sky stains your hair.

Q: Then why is your hair also sometimes white and sometime brown?
A: Every time I lose a student, I have to dye my hair so those annoying FAA investigators can't find me.

Q: How come it hurts so much when my parachute opens?
A: Well, you can see right here from my video of our last jump that your parachute is jerking you back upwards in the sky. The rental parachutes all do that, but I'm currently experimenting with a system that replaces the dacron lines with bungee cords. Have you ever thought about becoming a test pilot?

There's more, but you get the idea. B|

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