
Independence, Missouri

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I need to jump but the closest drop zone to my hotel doesn't fly during the week. :(

Are there any other drop zones fairly close by or am I stuck in the hotel torturing myself with the 100’s of reality shows that seem to have infested television? ::cringe::

PMS #62
Zarza R[red

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I need to jump but the closest drop zone to my hotel doesn't fly during the week. :(

Are there any other drop zones fairly close by or am I stuck in the hotel torturing myself with the 100’s of reality shows that seem to have infested television? ::cringe::

Man, a shiver went down my back when I saw the title here. We had a good thing going at Independence. 15 minutes from downtown. Would fly 20 Cessna loads from 4 pm to dark some times during the summer during the week!

Boy did it get fucked up.
Chris Schindler
FB #4125

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So your not talking about March of 98, Chris?

Oh, I'll include March 98 in my "it got fucked up" statement. I lost 5 friends that day. And I was resolved to do something about it. Didn't know what. But I started posting on rec.skydiving. I was laughed at for my posts about jump aircraft safety. Then one of the deadliest years for jump planes happened in '99. I tried to warn people where the industry was headed. Then Christy helped me start DiverDriver.com.

I left in a huff in Spring 97 and went to SDC just to pack parachutes. Didn't tell anyone I was a pilot. Well, a couple of them knew. But it wasn't broadcast. I was burned out on flying jumpers. That's for sure. 3 engine failures on takeoff in 4 months will stress anyone out.

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Mother of two working out of her home as a day care lady. Smashed an infants head in. She put his body in a wine cooler box. Gathered up some of her shit, changed the oil in her car, and stopped at McDonalds on the way out of town.

Everyone thought she kidnapped him but in fact she stopped to bury him in a field near Waco. Huge man hunt. Fugitive on America's Most Wanted. Located days later in ...

Independence, Missouri.

Dyed hair. Fake name. Shacked up with some speed freak.

she lives somewhere else now

Rat for Life - Fly till I die
When them stupid ass bitches ask why

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There's always the Truman Library. You know Truman was from Independence right?

Yep...I was there a few moons ago visiting a friend...Got the whole history lesson including a drive by tour of the Truman Library...

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