
liar liar

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what my most popular im a liar and cheater by trade i know you all thought i was an upper class business man but you where wrong :-)as far as im concerned the person that said liars and cheaters never prosper was obviously crap at it and i dont want any flamers you can express your view like i have as long as its not a flame ..
my favourite lie would have to be the
to self .... only one more ??????? skydive, chocalte ,drink ,day, ect ect and everyone is quilty of that one and if u say u arnt u r lying

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i just want to clarify something by me being a chronic lier i dont mean i am untrustworthy i just tell LOTS of little lies (yes i know that they all add up and im going to hell, and i dont really care) i am prob one of the most trustworthy ppl i know if someone tells me a secret i wont tell anyone no matter what they offer i stick by my buddies i would never steal money of someone or shoplift , i cant say that i would never shoot someone cause i wanna join the army but i woulod never shoot somone that wasn't trying to shoot me :-) im an all round trustable guy so trustable that friends and workmates have no prob sharing there secrets evfen though they know im a chronic lier

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My best lie was the one I told to my boss recently : I told her I suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (hell, I'm already full of shit as it is). What she doesn't know is that the only thing that will cure my *IBS* is a ride to altitude, followed by a quick (but not TOO quick) return to terra firma. The other unusual thing she might notice is that my condition flares up in the summer.
This was a good lie and I am damn proud of it - some days I will get into work looking like shit (from playing UT online the whole night) and then leave after a couple of hours. And the best part? As long as you show up for work, it doesn't matter if you leave during the day - it doesn't count as a sick day. God, I love my job!

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I lie, I lie ok. but the ones I like are when I 'm visibly injured, (cast, sling) and someone wants to know what happened. not only will I make up some crazy story, I'll tell the next person to ask a completely different story. archery range accident?

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