
UK jumpers - what was your experience of getting the ripcord test done this weekend?

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I’m just wondering what experiences people had this weekend getting the reserve ripcord test done.

I was at Nethers and there were posters up and people were being warned to get them checked before they jumped and the checks were being carried out efficiently.

However I am told that this was not the case at all DZs! I know of at least one DZ that was unaware of it as of late on Thursday and one that on Saturday told jumpers that those without a Cypres should get the test done prior to jumping but that those that did could get it done “some time during the day”. Is it just me or is this kinda worrying? :S

Any other experiences? I am wondering if this was an isolated case or if the BPA didn’t pass clear info about this service bulletin on to clubs and centres in the UK.


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I was at Hibal and they were certainly aware of it; don't know if they got it from the BPA or they found one of many sources on the WWW. Everyone with pins post April 2001 had to have them checked, but as far as I could tell it all went pretty smoothly - although the first couple they tested they ended up bending a pin or two (they used their/DZ rigs to try the test out, I think).
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