
Used Reserve

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I bought my reserve with two jumps on it. I saved about $400, and if it's opened twice before, it's more likely to open again, I figure. ;)

Seriously, just have a rigger inspect it thoroughly and you're good. I've heard it's the repacks that wear out reserves more than the uses, so I think the real question is how many repacks has it had, and does it have all the required service bulletins done to it. If you can get it for a good price, and it's in good shape, there's no reason not to.
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Yes... have it looked over just the same as if it was never jumped.

2 jumps on a parachute is almost never something to be alarmed about.

One of my reserves has 14 rides on it (2 unplanned and 12 planned under controlled conditions) I'd still jump it if it were larger. The one I'm currently usinng has 4 or 5 jumps with one water landing. (2 rides were mine, the water and the other rides were someone else)

After inspection including a porosity test, they both proved to be quite airworthy.

Parachutes take a beating.

Hope that helps.
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Thanks all. I haven't seen many deals out there and I liked this one. I just wasn't sure if this was the catch. I am going to have it inspected by my rigger!!!!


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It is a Raven II

Hey Chris:

So far, I've put 'about' 100 jumps on my Raven 2 ... yes, I jump a reserve as a main. Better yet, it had several, several hundred on it before I bought it (I had THAT much money to spend on gear, y'know). My actual reserve is a Stellar 160 with 1 sub-T jump.

In all my ariel stupidity I've had "zero" trouble with my Raven as a main ... except being tired and loaded at 1:1 it has a tendency to thump me on landings (it's getting porus) unless I "carve it in and run it out". Openings are, um, brisk but in as many as I've had I think I've had line twists twice... Stalling one side of the canopy in aggressive spirals and then snapping out of them I've only been able to spin it up once - and even then I was able to easily kick out of them...

Somehow I doubt 2 jumps will be a problem so long as you're not loading it much more than 1:1 ... search the forums for those who feel that Ravens have shitty flare power much above that ... that's their "rated" weight anyway .

Now and again I joke with those who fly Raven 2 reserves that I'd like to borrow their rig and have a mal so I'd know how mine is SUPPOSED to fly :P


PS: the next ride will likely be a Sabre 2 170

Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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Well, the Raven 2 would be lightly loaded if i did have to go to it. It is the set up this rig has. With the 190 main, I would probably be loading about 1:1 full clothed and equiped. So, with the Raven2 I would be less than 1:1. Thanks for the advice.


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I'd find out if the SB for Raven's was done and would adjust price accordingly.

Lummy I believe that the SB's were for the "Dash-M" series of Ravens only ... a reserve identified as a "Raven II" or "Raven 2" is the original style dating back to the 80's. As far as I know, nothing was mandated on those reserves anytime in recent memory and mine i sure "original" ...

PS: have you heard anything good or bad about Dash-M's lately? It seems nobody talks about anything other than their PD's ...

Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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easiest way to find out


Oh, and the #'s Raven 2's Raven 3's are the size of the canopy IIRC.. a 2 is a 181 a 3 is a 218. Am I right? Huh huh? Can I have my twinkie now?
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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a 2 is a 181 a 3 is a 218. Am I right? Huh huh? Can I have my twinkie now?

You could have a twinkie if you WERE right, but you're not, so how 'bout some uncooked pasta?;)

A Raven 1 is 181 ft, a Raven 2 is 218 and a Raven 3 is 249.

The service bulletin in question applies only to dash M's and P-24's (whatever those are). Not to the original series of Ravens.

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That clears up the confusion. They said Raven II which is 218 sq/ft. I looked online cuz my friend thought it was smaller, but all i found was a dash M series being 218. I need more info before I have this shipped to my rigger.

Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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damn damn damn.. n I knew I was off by one size....

Do I at least get a white sauce with that pasta?

n THAT's the WHOLE reason I brought it up, a Raven 2 can be referring to a Dash M Raven or a Super Raven. When I bought mine, the seller said it was a Raven 2 which led me to beleive it wasn't under the SB, but in fact it is.
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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Do I at least get a white sauce with that pasta?

n THAT's the WHOLE reason I brought it up, a Raven 2 can be referring to a Dash M Raven or a Super Raven. When I bought mine, the seller said it was a Raven 2 which led me to beleive it wasn't under the SB, but in fact it is.

bummer. In that case, I'll throw in some pesto cream sauce and a few shrimpies...

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> If you were buying used gear, would you still buy the reserve if it had 2 jumps on it?

Assuming no unusual damage (i.e. landing in a tree, lying in the sun for an hour) a repack does more damage to a reserve than the deployment itself. (Of course a deployment neccessitates a repack.) A reserve with 2 uneventful deployments and 2 repacks will probably be in better shape than a reserve that's never been deployed but has been repacked 10 times.

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