Thought i would post this here as you guys seem to know skreamer!

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Seems like none of you even understand your own actions, as none of you have been able to tell us all why you use acronyms. What's the point? What does using acronyms actually achieve, apart from confusion amongst others, particularly those new to the sport?

"Into the dangerous world I leapt..." William Blake, Songs of Experience

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Seems like none of you even understand your own actions, as none of you have been able to tell us all why you use acronyms. What's the point?

BASE 813 told you before... we dont want the wrong attention to any of our objects... it has always been that way and will probaly stay that way.

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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What does using acronyms actually achieve, apart from confusion amongst others

Acronyms, since you ask, exist because they are a way of short-cutting expression. Words emerge and evolve in exactly the same way. They are shortcuts to ideas, as discussed in greater depth by the famous linguistic theorist, Ferdinand de Saussure ('Landmarks in Linguistic Thought'). Any esoteric sport, hobby or activity will probably have more than its fair share of acronyms because there exist within it specific notions, concepts or processes without a precise individual word to represent their essence, or meaning, to the wider community.

There are also more and more acronyms in common parlance today than in days of yore, due in part to the speed at which vast communities communicate and share ideas. The internet and the media have created a global community, as we all know. It is thus easier and faster to abbreviate using the first letters of a group of words, than to allow a new word to develop naturally to reflect the changing consciousness of that particular culture over time.

Does that answer your question? Using acronyms is not peculiar to skydiving, it is a feature of the evolution of human language.

Yawn # 2 and NO I am NOT posting nudie pics!

Now, can we get back to abusing Will?

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What does using acronyms actually achieve, apart from confusion amongst others


Acronyms, since you ask

ahhhem... i think your talking yo Skylark right...;) i wouldnt even beabel to write thouse nice words you reply at..:ph34r::D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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What does using acronyms actually achieve, apart from confusion amongst others

Acronyms, since you ask, exist because they are a way of short-cutting expression. Words emerge and evolve in exactly the same way. They are shortcuts to ideas, as discussed in greater depth by the famous linguistic theorist, Ferdinand de Saussure ('Landmarks in Linguistic Thought'). Any esoteric sport, hobby or activity will probably have more than its fair share of acronyms because there exist within it specific notions, concepts or processes without a precise individual word to represent their essence, or meaning, to the wider community.

There are also more and more acronyms in common parlance today than in days of yore, due in part to the speed at which vast communities communicate and share ideas. The internet and the media have created a global community, as we all know. It is thus easier and faster to abbreviate using the first letters of a group of words, than to allow a new word to develop naturally to reflect the changing consciousness of that particular culture over time.

Does that answer your question? Using acronyms is not peculiar to skydiving, it is a feature of the evolution of human language.

Yawn # 2 and NO I am NOT posting nudie pics!

Now, can we get back to abusing Will?

Yes, I'm fully aware that acronyms are used to shortcut expression, but what's the point? Are you really in that much of a hurry that you need to save 2 seconds? Yes, any esoteric sport DOES generate acronyms...and thus continues to remain esoteric and a 'closed shop', to others. Do you want skydiving to remain esoteric? Or would you rather we were a bit less mysterious to newcomers?

You're wrong to suggest that there exists within skydiving, "...specific notions, concepts or processes without a precise individual word to represent their essence, or meaning, to the wider community." Acronyms DO have individual words to represent their essence and meaning...but by choosing to hide the words behind a selection of letters, the meaning and essense is lost. What's the point?

Acronyms are peculiar to skydiving and the Internet and other sports, because some people don't like others to know what their talking about and if you don't know what we're talking about, you're not in our club. Would you be rather annoyed if people started talking to you in acronyms which you didn't understand?

"Into the dangerous world I leapt..." William Blake, Songs of Experience

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skylark when talking about your AAD do you say Cypres???? or do you not shorten that one!!!!


Cypres is always written and used as a word, not an acronym, thus it's meaning is never in doubt.

"Into the dangerous world I leapt..." William Blake, Songs of Experience

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SKYLARK - Come on then girl, where do you jump in the UK? I would LOVE to introduce you to some really friendly people and then you can see exactly how nice the skydiving community over here really is.

How many jumps do you have now? Maybe you need someone to take you under their wing?

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Cypres is always written and used as a word, not an acronym, thus it's meaning is never in doubt.

and in my world 486er and fjc is never in doubt!! - its meanings are never confused or questioned!!

but i bet to people who dont know about skydiving cypress is in doubt!! - so skylark where exactly DO you draw the line????

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Yes, I'm fully aware that acronyms are used to shortcut expression, but what's the point? Are you really in that much of a hurry that you need to save 2 seconds?

Er...yes, that IS the point. The evolution of any language is based upon a continual shortening of the time taken to communicate an idea or thought. Period. It's not a personal thing, it's the way language evolves.


Yes, any esoteric sport DOES generate acronyms...and thus continues to remain esoteric and a 'closed shop', to others. Do you want skydiving to remain esoteric?

So what does that matter to 'others'? Who are these 'others' and why would they care? In general, the only people who care about skydiving acronyms are skydivers. No-one else gives a toss because they have no need to understand what we are on about. 'Esoteric' terms cease to be so to people who actually spend any time at dropzones, skydiving and/ or talking to other skydivers. Therefore if you actually skydive, you will gradually learn what these acronyms mean. Just like the rest of us did.

You're wrong to suggest that there exists within skydiving, "...specific notions, concepts or processes without a precise individual word to represent their essence, or meaning, to the wider community."

No I'm not. 'BOC' has no single word to express what it means, therefore it's easier and faster to say, or write, BOC, than Bottom of Container. The same is true of almost every acronym in existence.


Acronyms DO have individual words to represent their essence and meaning...

Yes, the critical part here being 'wordS' (ie plural) rather than 'a precise INDIVIDUAL word' (ie singular).


but by choosing to hide the words behind a selection of letters, the meaning and essense is lost. What's the point?

The reason is not to 'HIDE' words. Why do you use such an expression? The meaning is not lost to those to whom it is relevant.


some people don't like others to know what their [sic] talking about

What an odd concept. Skydiving is a welcoming community. If you don't understand what someone is saying, why don't you just ask them? No-one will mind.

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