
Could I be a murderer?

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A plane crashed FEB 16th 2000. I had done major work on this aircraft that killed 3 crewmembers. Info is here http://emery17now.home.att.net/ Now I have been issued a subpoena relating to this as I obviously signed off the installation of the elevator. As a rigger and an A&P I would never give a parachute to anyone I wouldnt put on my own back, and I would never release an aircraft that I wouldnt put the people I love on, but this bothers me. I know deep in my heart that I did not cause this, but Ive worked on alot of planes since this. I ALWAYS follow the manuals and never deviate, but I think they may try to pin this on me. I need some emotional support.

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Thank you for the support, I look passengers and crew in the face 4 days a week now, I realize what is at stake and what I need to do, but this plane went down. Im an adult, I realize that things happen, but this happened to my plane! I guess I will have to live with this, but even though I know for fact that I did what I was supposed to, the fact is the plane went down. That I will always question.

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Jeff, I feel for you bro.

3 years ago one of the aircraft in my fleet that had been maintained by myself and 2 other A&P's went in fatally injuring the pilot.

I knew that we had done nothing to cause this crash but the feelings that ran through my mind were terrible (as you know so well).

The aircraft had gone through a rather heavy phase check and had been released 3 weeks prior to the accident. I did an unscheduled hot section inspection during the check due to sulfadation on the CT blades. It was determined that the engine was okay for service but the borescope interval was shortened from 400 hours to 200 hours.

To make a long story short, the cause was "scud running" The aircraft was flying and running just fine right up to the moment it hit the large tree.

Hang in there pal, you will get over it and life does go on.

Blue skies, Mike

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Hi, Lizard...

I don't know a whole lot about planes...I just jump from them, you know? But I would like to say this:

~You cannot be a murderer if there is no intention to take someone's life.~

This may seem like a silly legal point, but the conversations you're having in your head right about now about responsibility and blame must be excrutiating. I offer the above to simply point out that NO, you are not a murderer.

Further, like Hungarianchick said, you did your best...you did what was right. You know that...and hold onto that knowledge. Hang tight, be strong in your knowledge, and if you need someone to listen, I am here.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Even if something is maintained in every way possible and everything is done correctly and on time. Something can always break. That doesn't make it your fault.
If not for the work you performed this could have happened sooner.
The only thing i see you may be responsible for , is maybe allowing them to live a little longer.
Hang in there Bro, you did good.:)

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Thank you all for you words of encouragement. It means alot to me. Thats what I love about the skydiving community, you people dont know me personally, but yet your by my side. I thank you. Im going to meet with the lawyers of the company I worked for at the time monday and go from there. From my understanding, outstation mx had gone into the rigging of the elevators AFTER it left our hangar, but was undocumented. Its all finger pointing and speculation at this point.

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What exactly are they saying is the cause of the fastener coming loose?...improper installation is a pretty vague term....have they ruled out mechanical failure...if so..how? I didn't read all of the articles...but there seems to be a lack of info as far as the details go....maybe you could point out a specific report with more details......I'd love to help out if I can....sometimes a outside review from a non aviation master mechanic could provide some helpful insight.

Best of luck and Blue Skies

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Hey Lizard, I used to do final assembly inspections at Boeing, on stuff like structures and body join. It's one hell of a huge responsibility putting your stamp on every job. I'm just fortunate not to have lost a plane that I worked on, but that could always change. You hang in there and trust yourself and the quality of the work you do. Everyone who's ever worked around you will know who the good people were and who the slackers were. I'm sure I'd be wracked with doubts and guilt if one of "my" planes ever went in, but that's only because people like us care about our work. Don't let them push you around, just tell 'em the facts and don't let them get you riled. You'll be alright.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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They are saying that a nut was left off a bolt that attaches the control tab pushrod. This thing supposibly flew around for 3 or 4 months before it migrated out of the rod end fitting. I dont think so. Ive been told that there were several writeups in the logbook for binding in the yoke. Someone somewhere along the line had that stuff apart back there after it left my hands. I havent read all the articles and findings, but the NTSB believes the nut was left off and that the control tab is what caused the accident.

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Hi Lizard,

Sorry for not commenting sooner but I took the time to read all the stuff on the link.

First off. You are NOT a murderer. Either legally or morally. The legal definition of murder is the taking of another self-existent human life by either a deliberate act or an act of gross recklessness displaying utter disregard for the likely and forseeable consequences.

I suspect tht the reason that you're being called to give evidence (OK, subpoena'd, so you don't have a choice but wouldn't you have gone anyway) is for the board of enquiry to firmly establish a point when the elevator mechanism was last known to have been installed and functioning correctly. If you like you'll speak to the time it was known to be good after which the enquiry can continue on to how & why it became bad.

Relax in the knowledge that your conscience is clear. Talk to the lawyers. Tell the truth. That way hopefully the board of enquiry will learn what went wrong, how & why it went wrong, and most importantly how to prevent any repetition of this tragic accident.

With all the best for the times ahead,


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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I need some emotional support.

BS. What you need is a lawyer - NOW!

Take it from a former Fed - there's nothing worse than having the whole US Govt coming down on you.

Do yourself a favor - get a Land Shark immediately if not sooner. Don't even screw around with the "I'll just be honest and tell the truth." Let your lawyer do all the talking.

The truth is meaningless - they're looking for a patsy - DON'T LET IT BE YOU.

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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