
New Website - Beta Release

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I am putting together a new website that is geared (no pun intended) toward providing information about sport parachute equipment.

The site is RiggingZone.com

This site is VERY much under development, but I wanted to put it out there so that I could get some feedback from the skydiving community.

I would appreciate your feedback as well as suggestions on what could be included in the site.


Mike Garza

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what kinda server bandwidth are you working with? Could of been my end but the page was loading slowish (I am on cable).

Why dont you add a review section for the products you list?

Why don't you add the factory trim charts to the canopies sections (I know PD just recently released them and I think with some searching the other manufacturer's are easy to obtain).

I didn't check all the canopies but I checked both the sabre and sabre2 spec sheets and minor flaw the 97 sq ft specs were at the end of the sheet when they should of been at the top right above where the sheet started listing at 107.

some minor things I noticed by just giving a cursory glance. I think you have the chance to provide some good information (even if it may be a little redundant, trim charts, specs, etc, but thats in my opinion GOOD).

Nice design though, pretty user friendly. Good job.

let my inspiration flow,
in token rhyme suggesting rhythm...

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I added another utility to the site. This is a search feature that will let you search for a canopy based on some parameters that you input. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Go to RiggingZone.com and then Canopy Search, under the Online Tools Section.

Also, I still am working on the performance problems. Not getting much help from my hosting provider, so if you know of any good hosting services that support .NET (v1.1), let me know.



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