CNN and Iraq

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>It's very interesting to go back in this forum to January - March 2003
>and read what the Bush supporters were writing then . . .

Well, never let it be said that people can't learn from past mistakes.

Past - "Clinton's sexual indiscretions make a mockery of morals in the United States! They should be disclosed, so americans can decide for themselves what sort of man he is."

Present - "Yeah, so Arnold was accused of groping 15 women. It's nothing, really. Just what happens on movie sets and stuff. Maybe they're all made up. Those democrats are just trying to smear him - they should leave people's private lives alone."

Past - "Of course Saddam has weapons of mass destruction! What, do you want the proof to come in the form of a mushroom cloud over an american city?"

Present - "Well, we never said he _definitely_ had them. Maybe they got lost. Besides, it was a war of liberation, really. Why can't you be happy about that?"

Past - "Saddam has clear links with the 9/11 terrorists."

Present - "We didn't mean a direct connection, really, just that they were both Arabs and both bad."

Past - "Saddam is the worst man alive. Life in Iraq is hell. Torture! Killings! Mass graves!"

Present - "Why can't the press say anything _good_ about Iraq? Yeah, another US helicopter was blown out of the sky today, but they also opened a new soccer field. Why isn't anyone talking about the soccer field?"

Past - "We'll hear about all the real reasons we went to war soon enough, you can believe that. Our president has access to mountains of solid intelligence that he just can't reveal yet. Why can't you trust him?"

Present - "So our intelligence was wrong. That's not Bush's fault."

Past - "We will be welcomed as liberators once we free the people of Iraq!"

Present - "We didn't say we'd be welcomed, exactly. More like it would be a nasty, dangerous war, just like every other Middle East war."

Typical oversimplification Bill. You take what one person may have said back then and then contrast it to what someone else might have said now. I even started to research it just to prove you wrong but decided it wasn't worth the effort as I think anybody can see thru the shallowness of this post.

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>You take what one person may have said back then and then
>contrast it to what someone else might have said now.

Just paraphrasing what people DID say now and then. Take the last one.

Question to Rumsfeld, Feb 20: "Do you expect the invasion, if it comes, to be welcomed by the majority of the civilian population of Iraq?"

Rumsfeld: "There is no question but that they would be welcomed. Go back to Afghanistan, the people were in the streets playing music, cheering, flying kites, and doing all the things that the Taliban and the al-Qaeda would not let them do."

Question to Rumsfeld, Sept. 25: "Before the war in Iraq, you stated the case very eloquently and you said . . they would welcome us with open arms . . ."

Rumsfeld: "Never said that. Never did. You may remember it well, but you're thinking of somebody else. You can't find, anywhere, me saying anything like either of those two things you just said I said."

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I'll bet you believed in Iraqi WMDs too, and that the Iraqis tried to buy uranium in Africa, and that Bush's intelligence info was good.

Maybe you'll explain why so many dedicated capitalists support left-wing media outlets.

Well I do believe Iraq has WMD. They did before, they probably do now. Not finding any is no proof they are not there.

I don't believe the Uranium deal w/Africa. I think the Intell there had a few holes, and there was a lot of speculation.

So, why do capitalist support liberal media???
Because they're capitalist looking to make a profit! If sex sells, they will put that on the air too. Violence etc.... It doesn't matter what their ideology is, they are looking to make a buck.

Jennings, Brokaw, Rather, Rose ... All media Elitists, all admittedly liberal. Theses guys run the evening news programs with little if any input from ownership. They all pretty much get what they want. That goes for righties like O'Reilly too.

They are given pretty much full control over their programs due to their long tenure and political connections.

You don't have to believe it my friend, but Show me a Big Bussiness Capitalist who is doing the right thing instead of Making a buck.
(Not that I am saying being conservative is "the right thing" what I am saying is, do what they believe in vs. making money)


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So you're telling me you wouldn't be whining about Bush if he hadn't gone into Iraq.

I don't know, depends on what else he would have done. I thought he acted well and quickly after 9/11. personally I thought he handled the situation well. Unfortunately he has started using 9/11 to persue a different agenda.

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The tragedy of this is that we have provided all the whackos in the middle east that think we are the greatest evil that has ever existed....

You are right some are whackos. Thankfully the commander in chief of the invading force is not a whacko.

I mean it is not as if he partly decided to invade a country because the voice in his head, which he attributed to God, said he should do it.:S

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That post was right on the money as far as I'm concerned Bill. On a similar topic, Jon Steward did an episode of the Daily Show which featured clips of statements Bush made while governor of Texas and then contrasted them to what he's said as President. It can be downloaded here: http://www.onlisareinsradar.com/archives/001279.php
Definitely one of most poignant images of the President I've ever seen;)
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