
Bad dreams

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Lately i have had a couple of dreams about skydivers falling to their deaths. I havent been in the air for about 5-6 weeks mainly due to weather so i dont know if my mind is trying to tell me to get the hell back up or maybe to hold off this weekend. The first dream i remember seeing a jumper hit the ground from 200-300 yards away. Now just the other night i saw two jumpers get entangled, canopies, collapsed, no cutaway, no reserve and a high speed impact to mother earth. This dream was a little more nerve racking because the jumpers hit the ground maybe 20 feet away and you could hear what sounded like every bone break in the dream. One male jumper, one female jumper. I plan on being at the dropzone on sunday anyway (rain forcasted again, go figure) and i'm sure others have had dreams like mine but did it in any way alter their plans to jump. What if anything did you do because of the drems.

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I have such dreams from time to time, I dream about skydiving every night (that's probably because I never stop thinking about it...is that unhealthy)?

Anywho, my half a cent worth of shit would suggest not telling the person you dreamt about them going in. I know if someone had that dream about me, I wouldn't want to know, unless I was actually doing something wrong that might cause me to die (packing incorrectly, forgot to put my rig on before boarding the plane, didn't turn Cypres on, etc). ;)



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Hey Kramer. I didnt dream about any one person going in because i never saw the face of the people. For all i know i may have been seeing myself. I would never tell someone i had a dream about them going in, that may make them freak out and think about it while in freefall....not a good thing.

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I myslef have dreamed about going in. I had the feeling of extreme ground rush. Most of the time I would live, completely fine. Just kinda scared that I would be grounded, so I'd pop my reserve and stretch it out as if I had a low pull and thats why I landed off.

I have had that dream for the last four years or so. I have also dreamed of BASE sit-flying, well more like a stand up in an aggresive position. never pulled on that one either, usually hiked back up to do it again.


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I once dreamed that I wasn't able to pull anything and falling at terminal the earth got bigger very fast.:o
Of course I woke up before I actually went in but it was scary nonetheless. I thought about it for a while and came to the conclusion that I had to practice my emergency procedures on a more regular basis.
I was pretty nervous in the plane for a few jumps until I had to ride down my first reserve.:o
Now I know that I can handle it.B|

Just get in that airplane and do what you have to do!

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Hi, I'm a skydiving clinical psychologist. Know a bit about dreams. While Freud said that a dream about a cigar could be just a dream about a cigar, most of the time our dreams are just symbolic. So your dream about going in might mean something else about your life right now. Of course, if you haven't jumped in 6 weeks then you might be getting that withdrawal thing that we all get, and therefore the nerves are tingling a bit, but I'd say your dream was probably to do with something else going on in your life. Death in dreams is quite often a good symbol. Its about something dying to make place for the birth of something new. Any big changes going on in your life at the moment? Jobs, partners, house move, anything like that? Anything you need to make a decision about?

Try not to worry that you dream means something sinister. Its probably nothing to do with skydiving. Its probably just your mind trying to work something out while you're asleep.

Have a good one on Sunday.***I stand corrected...said the man in the orthapedic shoes

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[QUOTE]might cause me to die [/QUOTE]

[/QUOTE]didn't turn Cypres on[/QUOTE]

Not to be nitpicky but forgetting to turn your cypres on isn't going to kill you. Lots of us jump without a cypress. Forgetting to go through your emergency procedures WILL kill you! :S

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My best non-skydiving friend had a dream that i died during a canopy accident. It was weird, because she never saw me jump, or knew what colors my canopy were, but she described my canopy to me perfectly. It freaked me out a little bit, but i still went up later on that day, had a great day jumping, and have continued to have great jumps. Since then, i no longer have that canopy, so i think it's just a dream, get back in the air! I think you're just longing for jumping again :)
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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Lately i have had a couple of dreams about skydivers falling to their deaths.***

I rarely remember my dreams at all, and even more rarely are they about skydiving. (Mostly about women (I guess that's a good thing) I dreamed about myself going in a couple of times though. I guess I was super stressed. Don't sweat the dreams dude, unless they are about your Mom, then I would worry.
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.

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Hi, I'm a skydiving clinical psychologist. Know a bit about dreams... most of the time our dreams are just symbolic.

Dreams don't symbolize anything. They're just random memories and thoughts bouncing around in our heads, when we're not awake to concentrate on something in particular.

When I wake up and remember a dream in progress, I can always think back and associate it with something that has happened in my life recently; a personal experience, something seen on TV, or whatever.

There's no symbolism in that.

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[QUOTE]might cause me to die [/QUOTE]

[/QUOTE]didn't turn Cypres on[/QUOTE]

Not to be nitpicky but forgetting to turn your cypres on isn't going to kill you. Lots of us jump without a cypress. Forgetting to go through your emergency procedures WILL kill you! :S

This is very true...I did say "might cause..." though. :P

I definetly see where you're coming from though. Emergency procedures over a Cypres check anyday. (of course doing both is the best option). ;)



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Agreed, dreams are manifestations of fear of COULD happen, doesn't mean that it will! I wouldn't worry about it too much.
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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