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YO! I'm about a 10 minute drive from Harvard Sq... but alas, in this, there is no movement of the car from under its giant mound of snow...

I'm almost ready to walk to a pub, though, guys.

Where do you live, dude? Are you T accesible?

I'm afraid I already have some plans for this evening, but another time you, me and jumper03 all need to have a drink. John Harvard's? Cambridge Brewing?

And if any of you happen to be at the Cambridgeside Galleria, you should pop in to the Verizon Wireless store there. It's boring as hell, so any distractions are welcome.

A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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It's snowing like mad in Boston, there's already at least 6 inches and I'll be stuck between the inside of the house and shoveling frantically all day... To all you people who decided to settle in Florida... RIGHT DECISION!! :P

Anyone else stuck in the snow?


Yup! In Canada, we're stuck in the snow, at least six month per year. :P



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As soon as this madness ends (which, by the way, it is still snowing like hell outside), we snowpeople should definitely go for a beer. I am very Harvard Sq. T accessible!

Update on my jumping plans: I've picked a nice drift in back of the house... had a nice jump off the balcony and plan to do it again tomorrow if this keeps up! B|
It's the Year of the Dragon.

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Kev nobody wanted to drink it with me, so I brought it home...[:/].

I guess it didn't help that I only told Amazon that it was in my truck, and she was in the Coach course...and she's sick, so she declined...

Everyone else seemed busy skydiving, of all things! Sheesh... I had ta leave before the beer light came on anyways...:( I bought the good stuff too! But not a waste, I'm having a few myself tonight :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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You brought home beer?? From the DZ?? Wow.

Do I have to buy beer for my jump off the roof into a giant pile of snow? ;)

It's STILL snowing! About to go shovel and jump off the roof again... -T
It's the Year of the Dragon.

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You brought home beer?? From the DZ?? Wow.

You know what's really sad is that is the second time I've brought beer to the DZ and nobody drank it. [:/] The first time I had one beer with the guy I brought it for, but nobody else drank it, so it actually sat in the cooler for at least another day or so until I said 'someone should take that home'. -He said it was because it was American beer (Canuck!)...so this time I brought some Canadian and some Henry's...I just try to be respectful that it's a place of business, so I don't drag the stuff right in with new students and families watching tandems and everything, but then when I tell people that I have beer in the truck, nobody's interested. [:/] Timing is prolly a factor too...I don't stay after 6pm usually.

So I don't think I'll be bringing any beer out there again, seems pretty worthless.

...either that or I could take it personally and say I can't even get people to drink with me when I bring the drinks! :o Nope, self esteem does not need to tank this time o' year. :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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