
Paris Hilton

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Ok, we can all agree she is a fine specimen of a woman, but could there be anyone more unintelligent? Talk about dull-witted.

I am your typical man in every sense of the word, but am I the only one that gets turned off by the "dumb blonde" routine? I think attitude is sexy. I would much rather be with a woman who is a 5 on the looks rating but with an unbelievable personality as opposed to a 10 with a personality of a rock.

And don't get me started on the friend of hers. Read on cnn.com last week she was arrested earlier this year for heroine. Very nice. Nothing says classy like an addict.

In short, I want these 2 to just go away. They are extremely annoying and give women a bad rep in general. Thank God I haven't been forced to suffer through their show yet.


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Speaking of her porno, did anyone else find it odd that that tape came out right before her show aired? Talk about publicity. No doubt that the great ratings her show got is in no small part to that video. I do doubt she purposely released it, but still...makes you think.


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I fully agree with you..and I am sick and tired of pop-ups for her videos popping up onto my screen every three to five seconds! >:(
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Ok, we can all agree she is a fine specimen of a woman, but could there be anyone more unintelligent? Talk about dull-witted

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to disagree. I might like her if she bought me a complete rig, paid for my AFF, and maybe threw in a few hundred jumps (I'd never say no to a sugar momma;)), but other than that, she doesn't really do anything for me. I can't remember the name of the song, but I remember a lyric to the effect of "I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine".

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oh yeah, our computer at work has the Paris bug bad...
some kind of pop-up, spy-ware crap makes it come up constantly and you can't just hit the x, you've got to ALt-F4 or alt-tab-delete that crap. I love I customers walk in and Paris Hilton and Jenna pop up on the screen in front of them.

Anyone know how to find where those cookies are stored and get rid of them? It isn't in the regular cookie/temp area.

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[ I think attitude is sexy. I would much rather be with a woman who is a 5 on the looks rating but with an unbelievable personality as opposed to a 10 with a personality of a rock.

Not me I want a dumb one!
Good lookin chic with brains of a stick!
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I caught an episode of that show with Jessica Simpson. It was her birthday - 25th I think - and she said "That's almost my mid-twenties." She's gotta be one of the stupidest - and laziest - people ever depicted on reality television.

I'm with you in your priorities. Intelligence, ambition and a "don't take shit from anyone" attitude is the truly sexy lady.

Sure, Paris Hilton can get herself stoned and tanked to high heaven, party with Fred Durst and whatever nouveau rock-riche she can find, and find some dirtbag scumbo with sufficient lack of character and decency to sexually utilize an intoxicated woman while waving to the paprazzi and viewing the world through glazed eyes.

Rick Solomon? "Yay! Look at me! I'm so cool I can videotape myself having sex with a 19 year old chick so wasted she has no idea what the heck is going on!" He deserves Shannon Doherty.

PAris, welcome to the world of Carmen Elektra!

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I just wish that "REALITY" TV would fuckin GO AWAY!!! This isnt reality or even perceived reality. Follow me for a week of hospital visits with my wife, stressing out in rush hour traffic with an 80,000 pound vehicle, wondering if your going to make your deadline. Speeding home to find both dogs shit in their cage and I have to clean it up. Then Volunteer to work 3 weekends a month just so you can save for a rig and jump tickets. There's your REALITY!! I think 90%of us on this forum would make a better reality show than the shit that is put on the god damned TV anymore.

Sorry for the rant.

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Courtney Love? I think we may actually have a winner.

Then again, we cannot forget those from our past. Dana Plato would be up there on that list.

How about Pamela "It-wasn't-my-whoring-that-gave-me-Hepatitis, it-was-the-tattoo-needle" Andersen?

Lara Flynn Boyle, too? Now we ARE getting somewhere!

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I can't remember the name of the song, but I remember a lyric to the effect of "I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine".

"One Night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble..."

For the record I can't stand women who know they are "10's" and think they deserve to be worshiped. They don't intimidate me, just make me sick. The right attitude is the most important thing, a nice bod with a nice attitude is a plus but not the most important to me.
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Indeed. Agreed.

And I have a problem with so much of this "People's Most Beautiful People." I'll state that just looking at the "hottie" thread and reading their posts that alana, rosa, gfd, bk, ashley, skymama, kelel, erica, etc. ALL of them have more beauty than Paris Hilton or any of these "Glamorous" women could ever hope for. Michele's got more beauty in her finger than Nicole Ritchie has in her whole body.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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***And don't get me started on the friend of hers. Read on cnn.com last week she was arrested earlier this year for heroine. Very nice. Nothing says classy like an addict.
not all addicts are like that.im a recoverying addict and addicts are sick people not bad people.

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