
Use a condom or else......

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No presents for that kid this year..............

Oh, I can think of some dark substance I might feel obliged to leave in that little scat's stocking. B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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"OMG If I behaved that way you'd kill me and create another one better than me."

That is classic! :D

Last night, I visited my best friend and her husband and their 4 (!!!!) kids. I love the kids, can't believe they've gotten so big. I remember life before the kids so clearly, but it's definitely gotten better since their arrival. However!!! we're preparing dinner and all four of them are either whining or crying about something at the table...at the same time. I start laughing and look at my friend...then I'm like...OH, PLEASE PLEASE, can I have some kids TOO! :P Then she offered to give me one or two. I ran. I ran very very fast! :)
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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