
Forging an email header

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depending how stupid they are, a simple setting in outlook can make it appear that the person has recieved an email from anyone, even themselves...

edit: if you'd like an example, pm me your email address and full name and i'll send you an email from yourself
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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Alright well I dont want to learn how to do this because I want to rip people off but I want to get some "payback" for some people. Not criminal stuff, but fun stuff like pranks.

Any help. Thanks.

E-mail is sent using the SMTP protocol. SMTP is a 'human readable' protocol and operates on TCP port 25. If you connect to a mail server on port 25 you can forge mail all you want.
SMTP is broken down into 3 parts, Envelope, Header and Body (the message). The envelope consists of SMTP commands, The Header consists of headers (duh) which contain things like Date, From, Subject, To ... Mail servers deliver mail based on the ENVELOPE ONLY. Headers are used by your mail client to make things look pretty.

Bare minimum envelope is:

MAIL FROM: [email protected]
RCPT TO: [email protected]


Some common headers are:


Headers ALWAYS start with a CAPITAL letter and end with a COLON. You CANNOT have spaces in a header. Take a look at some of your existing mail to see the other headers or check out the RFC

The body ends with a . (period) on a line by itself followed by a return

So, if you connect to my mail server you can forge mail to me... Try this...

matthewcrocker$ telnet mail.crocker.com 25

Connected to mail.crocker.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 cw-4.crocker.com ESMTP
250 cw-4.crocker.com
MAIL FROM: [email protected]
250 ok
RCPT TO: [email protected]
250 ok
354 go ahead
From: Dubya
To: Uber-Dude
Date: 01/01/01
Subject: Forged Mail

This is a forged mail message.. WOOHOOO!!!!

250 ok 1075170626 qp 23569
221 cw-4.crocker.com
Connection closed by foreign host.

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I still like my way better. Just have outlook generate a boggie header for you and send out from your own account. Given the average person they'd never think to read into the real machine lang header and see what servers and from where it was sent.

I demonstrated this with JeffD eariler and it works just fine.


Name: pick one
Email: whoever you want it to show up as

Save changes, close and send email, but then remember to change it back to yoru settings
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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